Interview: SmilingScarlet

There is a list of interviews that have been done which you can check out here. Of course, if you want to suggest an author for me to interview, you can do it here. I will not accept suggestions here. Thank you so much for understanding.

I got to interview SmilingScarlet who happens to be a very talented and nice person. She has a few stories like Comfortable and Fear. Of course, they will be mentioned later on. I'm just giving you an introduction, right? Anyways, I recommend both of the stories, and really all of her stories.

Okay, I'll stop with the introduction of the author and give you what you came here for. Here are the questions and answers. Enjoy!

1. What's the meaning behind your username?
-The meaning behind my name came from a phrase that Joker used in my fanfiction "A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing."

He said "Smile, Scarlet." and it just stuck with me. Plus you hear sort of cheesy names in the Batman universe like Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, etc etc. So I picked SmilingScarlet. I fell so in love with my username, I'm still in love with it now, haha!

2. How long have you been on Mibba?
-I've been on here since 2008 so...about five years, wow!

3. Have you ever used any other website(s)?
-I tried Fanfiction, couldn't work it for anything. I used to have a big story collection on Quizilla, I was Areyah14 on that site, but my stupid ass deleted all of my stories along with my account. Ugh! That's about it.

4. When did you start writing? Why?
-I started writing when I got into anime. I was thirteen around that time and I stumbled upon a Naraku lemon. That was also the first time I realized what orgasm meant, I was very late to the game of sex, haha!

5. What are some of your stories and what are they about?
-Some of my stories are Comfortable, Fear, and Verano. Comfortable is about a normal girl living a normal life, over time normal starts getting too boring, and that's when she meets this Chico guy, things are definitely about to get crazy. Fear is a story that I'm having trouble with, I love it to death, but I'm having a hard time capturing the actual fear, and so I've been watching a lot more horror movies to write some more on it. Its pretty much a story about some crazy girl, having an older companion, and Satan thrown into the mix. There won't be fluff romance in this, I can tell you that much. Verano, man this was my first love (aside from my Batman stories)! I wrote this after watching the movie Sin Nombre, it's pretty much a gang fic. A girl goes to visit her native Mexican village, she thinks things are going to be normal and all of that jazz, but that's not the case.

6. What's your inspiration for writing?
-I like writing about things that are a little out of the box. You see a lot of band fic on here, most of them are good, but I wanted to do something different. I like giving different to readers and that's what motivates me. I want them to leave the story thinking "whaaat?" haha! I also want to add more Hispanic/Spanish/Mexican flavor to the stories here on Mibba. You don't see a lot of it on here, and I'd love to offer that. I'm a bit of an ethnocentric; I believe that Hispanics are the best out there, haha! I also think that women of color are so damn beautiful, don't get me wrong porcelain skins is pretty, but its something about tanned skin that makes me feel a warmth whenever I read about it.

7. Do you like writing original fiction more? Or do you like to write fan fiction?
-I'd have to say that original fiction is more of my cup of tea. I'm terrible at fan fiction. My Batman stories are about the only fan fiction I'll ever do because I grew up with that. The animated series and a little bit of the comics.

8. What's your favorite fandom to write about? (Is fandom the correct term I'm looking for?)
-I would say yes Fandom is the right word. Gotta love tumblr for helping us define such things. I love love love writing for the Batman fandom. I love Joker to no end, because with him anything crazy is possible. Anything bad can happen...then again I'm a villain whore. I love all villains..even if they lose, lol!

9. Do you have any rituals when you write? If you listen to music, what do you listen to?
-I have a lot of them. Sometimes I walk around for a little bit, sometimes I read others' stories, or sometimes I do listen to music. I like listening to the Spanish genre a lot more now, it helps with a lot of my Spanish influenced fictions, but I do love metal--Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium etc etc--reggae, and recently I've taken up 50s and 60s oldie hits.

10. When starting a story, what do you do? Do you use an outline? Or do you just kind of write as you go?
-I do an outline first. One little phrase could kickstart me. Like my Joker series (A sheep in wolf's clothing), I heard "A wolf in sheep's clothing" and I suddenly thought...what if a sheep wanted to dress up as the wolf? What if my female character wanted to join Joker so badly, and realized she was in over her head. Before I used to write as I went a long, I stopped and actually started outlining, but now I kind of went back to my old habits. I now write as I go along.

11. What is your favorite genre to write about?
-Crime, romance, and drabble mostly. I don't like limitations too much.

12. What's your least favorite genre to write about?
-Hm, that's tough. I actually don't have a least genre to be honest. Ah! I don't like mystery, I'm terrible at it, haha!

13. What's your favorite story to read on here?
-There was one named Noticed by GlasgowXsmile, but it hasn't been updated, now I'm really really in love with My Sadist King by littledove;. Oh my God that story!

14. Which of your stories are the most fun to write?
-The most fun right now? I'd have to say Comfortable, that one is kind of based off of true events on my life, and so I like writing about my situations and exaggarating them a little bit.

15. Which of your stories are the hardest to write?
-Definitely Fear! I want to make readers kind of like...scared in a sense. I kind of want them to be glued to the screen, but at the same time kind of looking over their shoulder if a weird draft hit them. I want it to be a good read and so I'm always stumped on what angle I should go at next.

16. Do you ever run into writer's block? What do you do to get over it?
-Yes, many many times. I either leave the story alone, live life a little, watch a movie, ooor I change the layout. Sometimes the layout inspires me to write something new. I love making layouts.

17. Is there any authors on here that inspire you to write?
-Two main ones. GlasgowXsmile, and CharmedLuna.

18. Do you research what you write?
-Oh yes! Especially when I write my gang stories, they all live a harsh life and its really hard to capture in literature. But I do this for all my stories. When it comes to Batman I make very damn sure I have my facts right.

19. Do you like to experiment with your writing?
-Before not so much, now yes. There's this one story I've been itching to write, but I'm stumped on a bunch of things. It wouldn't be romance, it'd be something that is filled with adventure and would be kind of vague. Like a legend. I want to make up my own legend is what I'm trying to say. Haha.

20. Are there any authors that inspire you? (novels, books, etc.)
-Tithe was the big one, by Holly Black. Her stories on fey are always so good! I loved Kaye and her punk attitude, she was so punk, punk didn't even seem punk enough for her. Another one is this one Spanish author...but for the life of me I cannot remember his name or what the book was, but it was really good. It had to deal with two people, one was a bad boy, and the other was a good girl. They were both Spanish, and the boy was trying really hard to get her. I just can't remember the name. One of the excerpts I can remember was how the boy compared himself to a rosary, he wanted to be the rosary that she'd kiss.

21. Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers?
-Uh, yes! Don't be afraid to spice things up a bit. ;)


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all of my questions. It means a lot to me that you did this.
September 23rd, 2013 at 06:22pm