My Interview With ''Robbi the Ripper''

Hello everyone. ::mrgreen:

Before I get to the interview, I'll tell you: a) where you can recommend other authors for me to interview as well as what you'd like to know about them (your own personal questions), and b) where you can find all the links for the interviews. I will always put this reminder here at the start of every interview for all of you to know. So, here's the link.

The last interview for the day is with Robbi the Ripper. I enjoyed reading her drabble, Death's Lover and Fear is a Lie which is an original twincest slash.

It's a shame she's not a blogger, cause I'd liked to see what happens in her life and about stuff that she thinks. ::sad:

And with that, we reached question time. ::coffee:

01. Would you tell us your full name?

My name is Robbi Campos.

02. How long have you been on mibba?

I've been on Mibba since.... hmm maybe a little over three years, I think - I have a horrible memory.

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

So far Mibba is the only site that I write on, I've been considering uploading on Wattpad but I don't know.... I think I've been on Mibba too long to upload somewhere else.. It'd be like cheating on Mibba haha.

04. Since when have you been writing?

Wow.. It's hard to remember.. I want to say that I've been writing since I was around eleven or twelve. I tried writing in diaries and stuff but I could never get into it. Then I started trying to write fiction and I couldn't stop, now I'm pretty much up to my ears with ideas and I can hardly keep up!

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories.

My main story is Home is a Fire- it's a sequel to Fear is a Lie that I'd originally started with a co-writer, but took over when she decided to leave Mibba due to personal matters. It's about twin brothers Alex and Tyler falling in love and having to deal with keeping there secret in fear of the consequences of their incestuous relationship I have to say it's my favorite story that I've written. And you can imagine the looks I get at school when someone begins reading over my shoulder haha.

I have several short stories also one being 'Good Directions' which is about the song 'Good Directions' by Billy Currington, which I have to say is pretty good in my opinion (I know tooting my own horn ::mrgreen: ).

Some of my other stories are Last Wishes and The Girl in the Attic, Last Wishes is a, I guess, Mystery story about Kami reid who was her grandmothers favorite and inherits everything her grandmother owned, and her struggle with her abusive stepdad and her murky past.

The Girl in the Attic is a thriller sort of story about Anastasia, Anya, who is kept locked in an attic after her last living relative, her grandmother, dies and leaves her to a family friend. She is forbidden from talking to the lady of the houses son and is told to act as if she doesn't exist.

06. What inspired you to write each story?

There are so many inspirations, from personal experiances to people sharing ideas or dreams that I've had, really there are more than that but I can't name them all! But I know taht my readers are a big part of the inspiration because I'd almost gven up on writing because people I knew said that my stuff would never get read, and here I am writing for people who want to read the words I've written! My readers are seriously a BIG part of my inspiration!

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

From my Fear is a Lie series I think Tyler is my favorite because he grows so much through the story, from a horndog to kinda sensitive and lovable, he's pretty amazing! It's funny because he and Tyler have become 'my boys' in a way, you can even ask my boyfriend! I'm constantly saying I need to 'update on my boys because I miss them' it's actually quite funny!

In Last Wishes, I love my main character Kami, a lot of her is actually based on a close friend of mine so that could contribute to my liking her *.

08. Do you do research before writing?

If im not quite sure on a certain subject I do some research so that i don't upset my readers with wrong information or sound utterly naive.. (You can imagine the kind of research I had to do on Fear is a Lie *blushes uncontrollably..*)

09. Is there an author on here whose work you like or is your inspiration?

There are tons of authors on mibba that IA love to read but at the moment only a couple come to mind. I know this author has a Mibba but I mainly know her for her ATL fanfics on the ATL fanfic site but BreakingJessie_x is an absolutely amazing writer!

There are a few other writers that come to mind though when I think of it like colour me perfect. , Darkxfairiekidd and holli_simba (I'm sure there are quite more but as I've already said I have a terrible memory! And it doesn't help that I'm just as terrible with names! haha) All of these authors have never failed to keep my attention when I was reading there stories, they are captivating writers!

10. Do you like experimenting while writing? Writing about stuff you haven't experienced and genres you never thought you'd write about?

I LOVE to experiment with my writing! I like trying to see if I can imagine what a certain sensation would feel like or if I could imagine myself in a certain situation how I would react. When Alexandra came to me with the idea for 'Fear is a Lie' I was way out of my comfort zone! I'd never thought of writing something like it, albeit I'd read stories similar, but writing it was a whole new level! But I learned to love it and its actually been the best thing I've ever written!

11. What's the story you're most proud of?

Oh that's an easy one! It'd have to be "Fear is a Lie"! I really do believe this story has brought out the beter writer in me! I've never loved a story so much! haha.

12. What is your biggest writing weakness?

Okay, my biggest writing weakness seems to be that I have a very short attention span so if I'm in the middle of writing something chances are that if I see something shiny I'm gonna get majorly distracted! Haha, well kidding aside, I do get very distracted and it seems that that can also lead into some major writers block!

13. Are you more of a writer or a reader?

I try to balance my reading and writing but the scale seems to tip more towards reading most days!

14. Do you read all kinds of fiction?

I try to keep a very open mind when it comes to fiction so as long as it has a good plot and isn't too confusing I'll read it!

15. Do you prefer original fiction or fan fiction?

It depends on the type of fan fiction, Like I love Walking dead fanfics (Daryl focused ones atleast haha) sometimes more than original fiction, but usually original fictions wins me over more than fan fiction.

16. What's the genre you are most comfortable with?

Hmm, that's a hard one! I think I'm pretty good at writing teen and horror based stories, but that's just my opinion!

17. Which genres and ratings do you prefer when you pick a story to read?

I really love the mystery/horror genre but I do enjoy the occassional romance as long as there is a hint of mystery in it somewhere! But really I'll read anything as long as the story is good, and has a plot line I can follow. And rating doesn't really matter to me unless it's a horror story, then I like it to be NC-17, because I think that horror stories are better the gorier they are!

18. Do you write stories with all kinds of ratings?

I'm pretty sure that most of my stories are rated either R or NC-17, because I never know how my writing will turn out. I'm a bit like Ray Bradbury in that way haha. I tend to have pretty bad language so I like to give myself a little leaning room.

19. How often do you update?

I really try to update atleast 2-3 times a month, but lately I'm lucky if I can update atleast once! I hate doing this to my readers because they're the reason I write but life has gotten crazy hectic! But Im hoping to update a couple of my stories in the next week or so!

20. Any words for your readers?

I'd like my readers to know that I love every single one of them! And I know every author says this, but I absolutely believe that I have the best readers in the world! Everytime I have a new comment from one of them it makes even the worst days absolutely amazing!

21. Any authors you like and inspire you? (novels/graphic books)

Oh there are several authors out there who have inspired in some way, but I have to say that one of my biggest inspirations has been James Patterson. My mother was a big fan of them in her younger years and when I was older she introduced me to his Maximum Ride series and I was hooked ever since!(and you can't even imagine how excited I was when he made it into a graphic novel! I was stoked!) I'd say another author that I really look up to would have to be Jay Asher because of his book 13 Reasons Why and Alice Sebold with her book The Lovely Bones. They were the first books that I'd ever read that had made me emotional while reading, which is not an easy feat!

^-^ Thanks again for interviewing me! ^-^

And with that our interview come to the end. ::cute:

Thank you so much for your time Robbi the Ripper. It was fun interviewing you and learning things about you.

I hope all of you enjoyed this interview as much as I did.
Have fun reading her stories here.

September 24th, 2013 at 07:32pm