Interview: Clara.

There is a list of authors if you want to read them. You can find that list here. If there is an author you want me to interview, you can do that here.

I got to interview the lovely Clara. who has a unique take on things. Her stories are simply amazing, and you can find them here. I suggest you take the time to read as many of them as you can. The way she writes is simply beautiful. I recommend her writing to everyone who is reading this, but that's my opinion.

Okay, enough with the introductions, let's get to the fun stuff. Here's the actual interview. Enjoy!

1. What's the meaning behind your username?
-The meaning behind my username is because I wasn’t really creative like most users are with their usernames, so I basically said screw it and used my own name with a period at that end something simple and easy to remember.

2. How long have you been on Mibba?
-I think I’ve been on Mibba since 6th grade? I’m not sure because it was my old first account. So I’ve been on Mibba for seven years...yes I counted with my hands to figure that out answering this haha a long, long time.

3. Have you ever used any other website(s)?
-I used Quizlla when I first started posting, they still exist but I haven’t been on in ages! I have a FanFiction.Net account with one of my first kind of serious fan fiction. I also have submitted a Tom Hiddleston fic of his character Adam on a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction blog.

4. When did you start writing? Why?
-I started writing when I was really young actually; I had this flip book of a dream wedding with my crush in like 3rd grade think? Hopefully it no longer exist because it was horrible. But my first computer using stories were on this creative writing program on a CD, it was so cool! You could add sound effects in your sentences which ended up being my first story about a nightmare I had as a kid. The reason I started writing was because I had a pretty rough life and I needed to escape it, plus I had insomnia since I was a kid and all these ideas inside my head so what better way than to hide in make believe worlds and characters? It has helped me a lot to this day I wouldn’t know who I’d be without writing.

5. What are some of your stories and what are they about?
-My stories always are for the most part: horror, romance, fantasy, and drama. I have a lot of One Direction stories that I’m not exactly proud of doing. I have Avengers and Avenged Sevenfold stories currently active.

6. What's your inspiration for writing?
-Horror movies from the 80s really helped expand my mind. Personal experiences, my dreams and my nightmares. 80’s movies because they are the best I don’t know what I would do without seeing them, Stephen King and Anne Rice were a huge inspiration for my works. Oh! And certain smells/scents help too for some weird reason

7. Do you like writing original fiction more? Or do you like to write fan fiction?
-I started out as original when I first started to write but I really have a deep love for fan fiction even though I think my plots and stories are more original with just famous names.

8. What's your favorite fandom to write about? (Is fandom the correct term I'm looking for?)
-I love writing at the moment for Avenged Sevenfold and Avengers, My Chemical Romance was fun and One Direction was fun too.

9. Do you have any rituals when you write? If you listen to music, what do you listen to?
-I will sometimes force myself to have nightmares in order to get a scene in my head, watch horror movies, and people watch too. I listen to a lot of music: the Civil Wars, Avenged Sevenfold, Fall Out Boy, Reilent K, The Used, You Me At Six, One Republic, Flyleaf, and Mumford & Sons.

10. When starting a story, what do you do? Do you use an outline? Or do you just kind of write as you go?
-When starting stories I pretty much always go to Lulie Belle because she’s a huge help and always helps take away stuff that the idea doesn’t need, then she helps with dialogue which helps me a lot making sure the idea is actually going to work or else I won’t do it at all. I listen to a lot of music, watch movies, and observe the world. I don’t use an outline unless I need it, because sometimes the stories can get crazy. It would look like I just write as I go but I honestly take my time working everything out.

11. What is your favorite genre to write about?
-I got to say Fantasy with a mix of horror because you can basically go all out on the genre. I like having creatures from myths and supernatural stories wrapped into drama and romances with the magical things to mix it up.

12. What's your least favorite genre to write about?
-Horror alone, I can’t do it regardless of how my writing looks I can’t do slasher stories so if it’s horror than there’s supernatural which saves me. Science Fiction is freaking something I cannot do, there’s too much that goes into it.

13. What's your favorite story to read on here?
-The Science of Monsters by Lulie Belle
Food, Cats, and Being Lazy by Indigo Umbrella
To Roam Into the Unknown by SerneitySpeaker
Place For His Demon by BurnedOutPixels
Kisses from June by Mrs. Roman Godfrey

14. Which of your stories are the most fun to write?
-I love writing Hail to the King, because I always loved Red Riding Hood and I like that the twist I made is getting some nice attention. I like to go out of the box with this story, I don’t want to bore readers with the same plot lines that some stories do.

15. Which of your stories are the hardest to write?
-Hell Bound is hard! Only because Loki is a complex character, he’s all over the place and he has so many issues mentally so writing him is hard because I don’t want him to be written out as some loser or sad sob story because he isn’t. I have no problems writing Augustana but Loki is a whole other issue so it’s sometimes hard to write.

16. Do you ever run into writer's block? What do you do to get over it?
-I get this a lot sometimes so I either avoid the story, force myself to write something else, and painting helps get over it. Plus I talk to Lulie Belle and she can sometimes bring me out of it :D

17. Is there any authors on here that inspire you to write?
-Lulie Belle, Indio Umbrella, Twiggy., and bird ate my face. Because I was basically a fan girl of them all before turning them into friendships, it’s great because they are all such great writers.

18. Do you research what you write?
-If you mean going to tumblr, youtube, and watching movies feature the actor/musician or supernatural being then yes I do.

19. Do you like to experiment with your writing?
-I love trying a new idea and plot, along with the genre. I love pushing myself into something new and different.

20. Are there any authors that inspire you? (novels, books, etc.)
-Stephen King- Pet Cemetery and the Body
Anne Rice- All her vampire books
George Orwell- 1984 and Animal Farm
R.L Stine
S.E Hintion- the Outsiders
John Steinbeck
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Edgar Allen Poe

21. Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers?
-THANK YOU! So much! Honestly I don’t know how many times I can say that but just thank you for all the support and comments. Most of you I’ve become friends with and even those I haven’t, you are amazing. Without you guys I wouldn’t have the confidence to expand my works and I love you all very much! Thank you so freaking much!


Thank you so much for letting me take some of your time to ask you these questions. I enjoyed interviewing you.
September 25th, 2013 at 05:47pm