My Interview With ''Fonsi''

Hello everyone. ::mrgreen:

Before I get to the interview, I'll tell you: a) where you can recommend other authors for me to interview as well as what you'd like to know about them (your own personal questions), and b) where you can find all the links for the interviews. I will always put this reminder here at the start of every interview for all of you to know. So, here's the link.

Let's get to the second interview for the day which is with Fonsi. Most of you know her here since she's one of the oldest users. My favorite stories by her are Tranquility which is an original drabble and Dégoûtante.

Let's move on to her interesting blog entries, shall we? ::coffee:
How do you Like your Opinions, Straightforward or Overbearing?
Fair's Top 3 (Users, Poems, Stories, Foods, etc...)
My Wallpaper + Little Bird; Appreciation Blog + Recommendations!
Little Dove, Brittany, Amazing Person
Fake Friends and a Rant About Em + Identity Theft + Rec me Things!
Gender Roles in Society + Don't Look At My Boobs! + Anyone Got Horror Story Recs?
this is ridiculous + full/huge rec blog (users + stories)

And with that, we reached question time. ::coffee:

01. Would you tell us your full name?

I go by Nicholette Wyatt.

02. How long have you been on mibba?

Ohh I've been on Mibba for a long time, I can't remember exactly when I joined but I know it was before new Mibba and all that, can't remember my Mibbaversary though.

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

I used to be on fanlib until it got shut down.

04. Since when have you been writing?

Since I was pretty little. I've always loved to write, I loved writing stories and telling stories so the whole writing thing and posting appealed very much to be so I've moved around writing sites.

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories.

I write a lot of romance but that's not really my thing, to be honest. I love writing thrillers, horrors and stuff like that and it made me really excited when a friend of mine told me my stories were like "psychological thrillers". That was a great feeling. So I pretty much stay in that kind of genre, it's more comfortable and easier for me to write.

06. What inspired you to write each story?

Wow, I'm not sure if I should say all of my stories but I think maybe I'll do all of the chaptered ones.
Folie à Deux was the first story I posted on Mibba and I was really excited for it, it was inspired by a few things. The show Cult, and the show The Following gave me some ideas and then I kind of created my own sort of thing from there. I had to take some of the chapters down but it's being rewritten now and i'm very excited.

Dégoûtante and La Fille Forte are both inspired by some relationships I've had. They're both femmeslash or lesbian stories and I really love them and I'm always thinking about how to continue or work on them because they mean a lot to me.

Looper, I don't really remember where the inspiration came from but it might've been inspired by my whole perspective on angels and stuff. I don't know, it's sort o about religion but really not. I love it though and it's probably the first story I'll end up finishing.

Juxtaposition was inspired by the song Jake + Olive and my friend Brittany, she sent me the song and I was like overwhelmed with feels so I decided to write a story. It's already finished but I haven't gotten all of the chapters posted. It's the only straight/het fiction story I actually like, that I've written.

Chanson de l'Océan was partially inspired by my friend Aly, she was talking about starting her own mermaid/siren story and I always loved them so I decided I'd write one too. I have it all plotted out and I know it's going to be going pretty slowly but I'll be updating it a lot.

Wallaby Way, Sydney was inspired by a bunch of things but also inspired by my friend Nicole and her story My Sadist King. I mean, I had the idea for it kinda, like the whole outline for it but her writing just inspires me so much and it's like BOOM, gotta continue my own story. I feel like she and I will take over Mibba with our horror stories, because I for one think they're fantastic. (Or at least hers are.)

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

I've got to say, from Folie à Deux, I absolutely adore Peter. He's really shy and the development from when he wasn't in the cult and then when he is, I just I dunno, he's so naive it's adorable. I really like him. I know that because he was introduced to so many new things when he was young, it changed the whole of his psyche and it's sort of a battle between himself; the good Peter than was so kind and would do anything for anyone and then there's the bad; that has just changed so much since the introduction of another character in the story; his development I believe is really good and he changes so much.

From Dégoûtante I really love Cassie. She's very open and loving and caring and she is so true to herself. She's just got what seems to be a big heart and I really hope/wish I was/can be like that.

La Fille Forte, I really love my character Joey. I feel like if she was a real person and we were friends we'd get into a shitload of trouble together and it would probably be her fault. She's kind of crazy but (I know) she's more loving than it shows in the story so far.

I can't really chose for Looper, honestly. I have so much love and adoration for Althea because she honestly has no idea what's going on but she is willing to do so much for someone she hardly knows and she just wants to help him regardless of what happens to her, that selflessness is what I admire about her.

I know for a fact that I put at least a little bit of my own feelings or my own traits into my characters; all of them and I think maybe because I can sympathize or relate to them because they're like my babies, I really love them a lot.

08. Do you do research before writing?

It depends on the story I'm writing but yeah, mostly I do research. If I'm writing a one-shot or drabble, I don't do any research because those are pretty much my own feelings or something, if it's a chaptered story, I have to research. I feel really uncertain if I don't and I'm afraid someone with tell me about it in my comments and speak of my inconsistencies.

09. Is there an author on here whose work you like or is your inspiration?

I really, really am inspired by little bird; or Nicole. She's just such an amazing writer and she's so nice and funny and we're seriously sisters and she just inspires me so much with her writing. Her horror stories are fantastic and if I hadn't stumbled upon her story, "The Twins" I wouldn't have been on Mibba, writing stories now.

10. Do you like experimenting while writing? Writing about stuff you haven't experienced and genres you never thought you'd write about?

Yeeees, I love experimenting with my writing. I wrote some things about drugs and I never thought I'd find myself writing about them. They were pretty deep in my opinion and although I won't be writing about drugs a lot, it really helped my writing overall, I believe.

11. What's the story you're most proud of?

I've got to say I'm pretty proud of my story Dégoûtante. To be honest it's like the first story I'd worked on and put so much emotion into. I really don't like the writing but the feeling I feel rereading it and reading it again takes me back to that relationship I was in that the story was based off of and I can't bring myself to change it. I plan on rewriting it and continuing it but right now the feelings are still so raw, I do love the story though.

12. What is your biggest writing weakness?

Ohh my biggest weakness would have to be procrastination or the misuse of the I in "I'm", "I've" I'm sure there's more. I'm very good at procrastinating, at anything. Unless I really want to write or have tons of inspiration, I'll likely put it off and do something else..

About the I's, recently it was pointed out to me by a reader that I was not capitalizing the I and it confused me and they asked if it was a stylistic kind of thing and I had no idea. I was never taught it was to be capitalized and it's hard to get it in my brain to do so whilst typing.

13. Are you more of a writer or a reader?

I couldn't be sure honestly, I don't do much of either anymore but I do write more than I've been reading nowadays. I used to read tons and comment and everything but I just can't bring myself to do so anymore and many stories don't appeal to me anymore.

14. Do you read all kinds of fiction?

I do not, I'm very selective about what I read, which is why my subscription list is so small! I tend to go for things I write, horror, thriller, crime, etc but they have to be written a certain way for me to consider subscribing and all those things. I also like romance but that also has to be written in a way to appeal to me personally. I'm just a picky person.

15. Do you prefer original fiction or fan fiction?

Original fiction, hands down. I have never written fan fiction except maybe on paper a long while ago when I was younger and I felt restricted. My first fan fiction will be coming as soon as I finish some other stories, but I've got an outline of it in my head, I'm pretty excited. It'll probably be my one and only fanfic.

16. What's the genre you are most comfortable with?

Horror/thriller. It's going to be terribly weird but I guess I know how to write it because it's easier for me to kind of see that different point of view from which my characters in those stories are coming from. I write them with very detailed backstories so I as a writer (and reader, because I reread my stories often) can understand how they got they way they are. It's never really simple, which I suppose is why my stories (the horror and such) tend to be more psychological. Everything matters.

17. Which genres and ratings do you prefer when you pick a story to read?

Because I'm really selective, I usually read from PG-13 to R rated stories. That's next to nothing. I feel though that there is enough freedom within those ratings that one can write what needs to be written and tell with detail what is happening without getting to a point where things must be explicit.

18. Do you write stories with all kinds of ratings?

Nope, I write from PG to R. My ratings do change on stories as they go on, and I do tell my readers the rating may change but there's nothing I ever really need to write that'll push that boundary from R to NC-17 and I can't write something innocent enough to be rated G.

19. How often do you update?

I can't update extremely often nowadays or every week as I would like to but I update at least every month. It may not be what all of my readers what but it's all I can manage. Some stories will get updated more often than others, those are the ones I'm really inspired to write and all that.

20. Any words for your readers?

I really appreciate you all, reading any of my stories. I have many and it just makes me so happy to see one more reader, read one more comment, or find one more rec for my stories. I get so much more inspired when I see my readers or subscribers or recs or something and I just wanna keep writing and keep going because it's more fun for me when people read and like it too. You're all great.

21. Any authors you like and inspire you? (novels/graphic books)

Ellen Hopkins and Christopher Pike for sure. Ellen Hopkins writes books about drugs and things like that in the form of poems, lines/stanzas and I've read so many and there's so much feeling and emotion in those stories that I feel inspired myself. I don't write about drugs much but I like to think back to her stories when I do.

Christopher Pike wrote the Thirst series and it's a series about vampires and although I haven't written about vampires (because it would be awful and so cliche) I really wish I could write like him. I don't know why but his books stand out in my mind and his writing is really pretty amazing in my opinion. It's some of my favorite stuff.

^-^ Thanks for considering me. c: ^-^

And with that our interview come to the end. ::cute:

Thank you so much for your time Fonsi. It was fun interviewing you and learning things about you.

I hope all of you enjoyed this interview as much as I did.
Have fun reading her stories here.

September 25th, 2013 at 06:29pm