A Haunted Interview with Witch

I'm sure this is obvious by now, but I don't accept suggestions on here. If you have an author you want to suggest to me, do it here. There is a list of authors that have already been interviewed, and you can find that here. Thank you for understanding.

This time around, I got to interview the lovely witch. She is a talented writer and very nice person. If you want to read any of her stories, you can find them here. All of them are really good. Go read all of them.

Okay, I know the introduction is short, but hey, I know you would rather read the interview than the introduction, or is that just what I think? Anyways, here's the interview. Enjoy!

1. What's the meaning behind your username?
There isn’t much meaning…I love Halloween, and I love the symbols of Halloween, including witches.

2. How long have you been on Mibba?
I’ve been on Mibba for about four and a half years.

3. Have you ever used any other website(s)?
Yes, I’ve used Fanworks.org, which is pretty much obsolete now. On that website, though, someone mentioned making a Mibba account, which is how I learned of this site.
4. When did you start writing? Why?
I actually have a very distinct recollection of why I started writing, and it’s kind of embarrassing. I went with my cousin to see the movie “Twilight”, and I adored it. I subsequently read the book series, which fueled my (to this day) obsession with vampires/paranormal. After that, I began writing. I wrote a very lengthy, though never completed novel about a girl vampire when I was in the fifth grade, so probably around age 10. After that, I discovered fan-fiction, and it all went downhill from there, haha.

5. What are some of your stories and what are they about?
I have a lot of stories. Some are fan-fictions, some are original. Most are pretty dark, gory, and/or taboo. I have a lot of supernatural influence in my writing, which comes from my roots, as mentioned above. I won’t mention specific stories, as that would take forever, haha.

6. What's your inspiration for writing?
Hm...My inspiration for writing would have to be “Twilight”, as mentioned above. It may not be as much as an inspiration now as it was back when I was just a youngster, but it still is a fond memory that gives me a wonderful feeling to think about. It still inspires me to be creative. Besides that, music really inspires me. I can’t write without listening to music.

7. Do you like writing original fiction more? Or do you like to write fan fiction?
I don’t have a specific preference for either…They both have pros and cons.

8. What's your favorite fandom to write about? (Is fandom the correct term I'm looking for?)
Haha, yeah, that’s the correct term, and I don’t really have one. I wrote fan-fiction primarily before the idea of “fandoms” came out, and I don’t really like any of the ones out there right now (Sherlock, Dr. Who, etc.) I started out writing My Chemical Romance stories, though.

9. Do you have any rituals when you write? If you listen to music, what do you listen to?
I always listen to music. I’ve found that the tone of my music directly correlates with the tone of what I write, so I always choose music accordingly. A good neutral band that I listen to when I’m not trying to convey any specific emotion is My Bloody Valentine.

10. When starting a story, what do you do? Do you use an outline? Or do you just kind of write as you go?
I hate outlines, I never stick to them! I usually write a few pages to get a feel for the characters and setting, then I make a better plan.

11. What is your favorite genre to write about?
Horror and romance, most definitely. I also love historical fiction; it’s a major challenge.

12. What's your least favorite genre to write about?
I don’t think I have one.

13. What's your favorite story to read on here?
I don’t think I have one :/ Or if I do, it’s from a long time ago, and it’s since been buried under all the other stories.

14. Which of your stories are the most fun to write?
Probably the ones where it’s just a sudden burst of creativity, and it’s like I start writing and the next thing I know I have 1000 words down.

15. Which of your stories are the hardest to write?
The ones that require a lot of research. I used to have a slash about early colonial Virginia, and I used to have a slash about civil rights in the southern US. Both were really difficult.

16. Do you ever run into writer's block? What do you do to get over it?
I’m currently in the worst writer’s block I’ve ever been in! I recommend listening to music or going outside/anywhere to observe people to get ideas. I get more ideas when I’m out doing things with people. It’s hard, for me, to conjure up something just sitting around.

17. Is there any authors on here that inspire you to write?
Probably mi amiga, Autumn (aka semolina) She’s always encouraging me, and I always bounce ideas off her before I set off to write.

18. Do you research what you write?
Of course! Unless it’s meant to make no sense/be an alternate reality type thing.

19. Do you like to experiment with your writing?
Definitely. My entire writing career could be described as experimental.

20. Are there any authors that inspire you? (novels, books, etc.)
Sooooo many. Stephanie Meyer, Stephen King, John Green, and a lot more.

21. Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers?
I don’t have many these days, lol. But one time one of my stories was pointed out in a blog as being abominable (it was about a touchy subject) and a bunch of readers defended me, and it made me cry. So, thank you, even though I’ve already thanked everyone and it happened like two years ago.


Merci beaucoup! I'm so glad that you took the time to answer my questions. As you suggested, I gave it something interesting. Well, hopefully.
September 27th, 2013 at 05:26pm