School + Story Ideas + Mibba

Well, hey there! Funny to think this is my first blog entry, having been here for a year and all. Yep, a whole year with absolutely no activity except for the past few months. But I've made a few new friends and I've finally got the hang of layouts after a seriously long time experimenting with different tutorials on the forums (thank god for those). I posted a story a few months ago but it wasn't very good and so I took it down, but I'm writing hard right now.

eeeek: CLICK HERE FOR THE FANCIEST LAYOUT I'VE EVER MADE that sidebar took FOREVER. But yeah, the story's going to go up soon. It's a romantic comedy adventure with a major twist...yes, sounds totally cliche, but it won't be, hopefully.

Well, enough about that...I guess it's time to complain about life? Hahah, I've never been one for keeping a diary or gushing about my feelings to people, so this is kind of nice. Basically, my life is school and friendship issues right now. I have pretty not-so-great grades (which for my parents means anything less than an A), and well. I don't know. Hopefully, I'll get those up soon.

How are you? :)
September 27th, 2013 at 11:34pm