The Sad Lid

I was sitting outside, enjoying the night... feeling the fresh but not freeze-my-nuts-off breeze.... just a slight fresh breeze.. slight enough to make a sound.

What was that sound? I turned, but nothing was there. Must have been my imagination......
Or was it?

It wasn't. That rustling sound again. I turned left, I turned right, down both sides of the street. Shit, I must be going crazy because nothing was there, I had thought to myself.

Oh but there was, there, in the corner across the street, on the sidewalk, I focused my vision. THERE!

There it was, making that rustling sound, moving in slow and sudden darts, of course the breeze, that wind was moving it. There, there it was, a lid.

I looked at that lid, a torn from the side, or so it looked like it, white and dirtied lid, you know, those you get at all the fast food "restaurants" the ones with the fun to press protruding dots.

I felt something... something... different...

But... what? What was I feeling?

Well, I looked at the lid, and call me odd, but I felt happy for the lid. Slowly but surely it was making its way across, making its way through. I thought to my self...

Way to go, lid.

Im sure the lid started off somewhere far, relatively far but close by of course, and now it had traveled. That lid could travel around the world, it could see what all men and women dream of seeing, the whole world, it could travel and travel and travel and move along any terrain, it could go far.... or so it seemed....

Just seemed.

Because as the wind pushed, and the wind turned into a breeze and the breeze into wind, and it pushed and pushed and encouraged the lid on... well... fuck.

The lid was travelling down the side walk, full of happiness and potential, then... slam.

It hits a bush.... and the bush, does not let it go.

Stupid bush, I thought to myself.

Now, call me a weirdo, but suddenly, an extreme feeling of sadness swept through me. I felt the urge to cry and feel like shit... yes, I was sad for the lid.

That lid, who had the potential to go around the world, see EVERYTHING, had the only thing it could do, ruined.

The only damn thing the lid could aspire, to crave for, to dream for... was to travel everywhere... and that ONE, that one and lone aspiration, was now ruined.

Sure, I could of taken it out of the bush and let it free... but rest assured, the lid would of slammed against something.... maybe not a bush, but anything else.... and its lone aspirations would be shattered again.

How sad.

I got up and walked down that street that had no meaning to it now, no name. I walked away.... walked down the sidewalk... I glanced back once more, and looked at the lid one last time. The wind was pushing hard, it moved a bit, trying to free itself, but it could not. The wind toned down to a breeze, and the breeze toned down to almost nothing

How sad. I felt sad, im sure, that it felt sad too...

So so so sad.. very sad.

What a sad lid.
October 2nd, 2013 at 04:16pm