For sirius amory.

This author, sirius amory. or Elise loves horror movies, violent video games, and comic books.
Elise aspires to be a novelist, go her!

Q&A Time~

1. What and or who inspires you to write and why?
~My biggest inspiration for everything writing-related is my mom. She's always been my biggest supporter, and as cliche as that may sound, it's the truth. I always tell her my ideas about what I want to write about, and she tells me her opinion about them. She never says to not write anything, but does suggest I consider adding more thought into some ideas before really deciding to put them down on paper. She's also the first person I have look over my work to see if she enjoys it.

2. Hardest thing/s to write about?
~In all actuality, everything is somewhat difficult to write about for me until I get a solid idea of what I'm writing about and what I know I'm going to be including plot/setting/character-wise. If I had to be specific, however, it'd probably be fanfiction from fandoms I don't enjoy (ie: Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Twilight, The Hunger Games, etc.), so I just don't write about it.

3. Favourite genre/s to write about?
~Mine would have to be thriller and adventure. I also find myself writing romance and drama, but in a way that I hope seems enjoyable and not breaking all the rules of writing something to appropriately fit the categories.

4. Least favourite genre/s to write about?
~I don't exactly have a "least favourite", but I don't think I'm the best at writing tragedy or comedy. I just can't come up with any ideas good enough to fit those genres in order to make something decent.

5. Opinion on fanfiction verses original fiction?
~I'm a fan of both, but there are obviously some things about fanfiction that can go horribly wrong and just turn me off to it sometimes. Nowadays I prefer original fiction to them, but if the fanfiction is nicely written, has a good plot, believable characters, and is from a fandom I either enjoy or don't know much about (but seems interesting), I always give it a chance and check it out.

Q&A Finished!

Moving on let's some some of stories shall we!


Let's Pretend It's Love
Summary - One Direction; Harry Styles; One-Shot.

There And Back Again
Summary - The adventure of a lifetime is only a page turn away. You just have to believe. [The Hobbit.]

Shadow of the Swastika
Summary - Set during the time of the German Holocaust. Based on the song by Tyr. [Feat. Terji Skibanaes]


More Than Lost
Summary - The Five-Shot story of five friends making the best out of a horrible situation.

Summary - "Everybody told me to grow up. Nobody told me how to."

Hush Yael
Summary - Based on a true event.

So check this lovely Mibbian out guys and give her some love!
October 3rd, 2013 at 06:40am