What I Don't Like About "Articles" on Mibba

It's not only that I just don't "like" it, its that I don't understand it at all.

The only "articles" that are allowed to be posted on here must be complete, straightforward fact. They allow no room for creativity or critical thinking, rather they're expected to be, basically, simple reports with no inkling of personal opinion, charm or observation involved. I don't understand this because the best articles that I've read, in magazines, newspapers and on websites, were those that shed a unique light from the writer's specific perspective.

Once, I tried to get an article posted about the history of androgyny, drag queens and transsexuals, which largely revolved around Warhol superstars such as Candy Darling and Jackie Curtis, but it was denied, and I was told that it would make better for a blog. I didn't understand it then and I don't understand it now. I did weave a lot of my personal opinions and perspective between facts, but to me that's what makes a good article, like I said. If you want to read a completely plain, unbiased account of something, you're better off reading from an encyclopedia or something anyway.

I would like to write more articles because I could use practice. I actually think I'm pretty good at it because I'm a very observant person that can shed new perspective on things that other people might not have noticed or thought of before, but on Mibba I wouldn't be allowed to do that. The one piece of writing I've ever gotten published was an article which was littered with personal opinions and observations, as well as details and interesting facts (rather than facts that are obvious to everyone).

I don't know if I'm going to get attacked for this or if others have noticed this as well, but this is just something that's been on my mind ever since I tried to get that one article published.
October 3rd, 2013 at 08:14pm