All Americans need to watch these videos...

Ever wonder about government conspiracies?
I've been looking into this crap for years, and honestly
these videos are near the top of most believable evidence.
The last video is the most important.
I kinda think the government shutdown might be the
beginning of new world order.
I'm not paranoid, I'm just open minded.
For the believers, read the Book of Revelation,
the entire book, it's not that long.

I'm not paranoid, I'm just open minded.
I guess it's just when odds and ends match up,
it's kinda obvious this country is going to end up
taking a turn for the worst. It scares me a bit, just thinking
what it would have been like to have been in the holocaust,
and now, that the country I live in might be headed that way.
Very scary. I just hope the rapture happens soon, lol.
October 4th, 2013 at 12:31am