MattyBGirl's Candy Bowl/ HAPPY MIBBAWEEN

So I see everyone is already doing their candy bowls at the beginning of the month and I guess I should go ahead and do one too. I did one last year and enjoyed it so why not.

1) Only 2 treats a person. Need to make sure that everyone gets a chance to get something.
2) The 2 treats must be different, not two of the same thing.
3) Please say Trick or Treat as in the spirit of Mibbaween
4) (Optional) Let me know what you are going to be for Halloween this year.


Milky Way- A profile rec- unlimited

Twix- A story rec/comment

Candy Apple- a one-shot written for you by me (I need the information of what you want. Let me know if you want an original/fan fiction, your character information. NO SLASH)

Hershey Bar- a friend request from me- unlimited

Reece's Cup- a story layout (this one will be tricky to do since I have no idea how to put in banners but if you want a simpler layout, I can make you one) - 3

Candy Corn- A poem rec/ comment- unlimited

Spider ring- a blog that is dedicated to you and lets people know about your stories- 1

And that is all I have right now. If people really enjoy this, I will add more treats but it is first come first serve.

And I am really excited for Halloween. I am either going to be a Green Cat from the video game Bloody Trapland or I am going to be a Minecraft person. Probably the latter since it would cool to go as SkyDoesMinecraft and talk about Butter all night.

But anyways Happy Mibbaween!
October 5th, 2013 at 12:02am