Interview: age of aguarius

Okay, I know that I usually post these around ten or so, but I was watching Boogeyman on SyFy. It was worth it. I'm posting it now, am I not? Anyways, you know that I don't accept suggestions on here. If there is an author you want me to interview, please do that here. There is a list of authors that have already been interviewed, and you can find that here.

I had the wonderful chance to interview the lovely age of aquarius. She is a very talented writer. Some of her stories are fan fictions of Austin Carlile such as Southern Constellations and Rise & Rise Again. Then she has a Pierce the Veil fan fic called Part of Your World. All three of the stories are worth checking out.

Alright, let's get to the fun part. Here's the interview. I hope you enjoy it!

1. What's the meaning behind your username?
-I'm an Aquarius, and a huge fan of the movie Hair, and a big believer in zodiacs and astrology taking a play in everyday life. It's a mix of different things, but I just really like how it sounded.

2. How long have you been on Mibba?
-I've been on since July 4th before my freshman year of highschool, and I'm now a freshman in college, so it's been a long time.

3. Have you ever used any other websites?
-I started on Quizilla (oh those are some dark times) and moved to before finding Mibba and Wattpad. I continue to go back to Mibba, however, but I'm still an avid user of

4. When did you start writing? Why?
-I didn't start writing leisurely until 7th grade, over 5 years ago, and I still have a majority of those stories, but they make great things to burn during the winter. I started writing because... because I wasn't quite happy with how some of the books and movies I watched ended, so I made my own endings and then discovered fanfiction and went from there.

5. What are some of your stories and what are they about?
-Love, Save the Empty is an old story of mine that I really need to go back and work on (I haven't worked on it for over a year, whoops) but it's mainly set around Brian Haner, Jr. - or Syn Gates from Avenged Sevenfold - finds out he has a daughter from a high school sweetheart. It's loosely set around the idea of Game Plan.

Part of Your World is one of my favorite ideas to date. It features Jaime Preciado from Pierce the Veil and a girl who plays Ariel at DisneyLand. It's a cute idea. I need to write more, since I've only gotten the first chapter out. (See a reoccurring theme here?)

Rise & Rise Again is probably my favorite story right now. Who can go wrong with a little Austin Carlile from Of Mice & Men? It takes place about six months after the main character, Zoe, has a miscarriage. She left Austin and went to live with her sister to try and get her life back under control but ends up meeting up with him again at the SoundWave festivals located in Australia every year. The story is still in the beginning phases but I have lots of places I want to take it.

6. What's your inspiration for writing?
-Most of the time, I'm inspired by a quote or a lyric and I kind of think of how I could connect that quote or lyric to a story line and play off that to make a storyline. Sometimes the smallest things can inspire the biggest inventions.

7. Do you like writing original fiction more? Or do you like to write fan fiction?
-Truthfully, I love writing both, but I get more motivation in writing fan fiction because the person I'm writing about does things in daily life that can give me new ideas for a subplot and ways to change up the story. I write better original short stories than I do original long stories.

8. What's your favorite fandom to write about?
-I'm a fangirl at heart, and post-hardcore/pop punk bands is where it's at, yo.

9. Do you have any rituals when you write? If you listen to music, what do you listen to?
-I don't have any rituals, per se, because I'm usually writing a chapter in the middle of a class when I'm bored as hell, or stuck at work for 10 hours on a Saturday and have nothing better to do with my time. I do listen to music, like many, many others, but usually it's the same song over and over again, and it's usually a song that I'm in love with enough to buy for my playlist off iTunes. Like, right now, I can't stop listening to Macklemore's "Otherside" and Dayshells "Not Coming In" and All Time Low's "A Love Like War".

10. When starting a story, what do you do? Do you use an outline? Or do you just kind of write as you go?
-Everytime I've tried writing with an outline, I get through the first two chapters and the outline and then stop, because I know how the story is going to end and it's not fun to keep writing. If I write as I go and wing it, I'm continuously surprising myself and my readers and that's much more fun.

11. What is your favorite genre to write about?
-For some reason, romance comes easy - like for most young women - and it's fun because I can slip into my own few fantasies of the perfect date, perfect guy, and perfect life. That's fanficiton, though; when I write original I love supernatural/sci-fi storylines.

12. What's your least favorite genre to write about?
-Probably mystery because then I keep boring myself with the same cliffhangers and suspenseful antics.

13. What's your favorite story to read on here?
-Right now, my favorite story is "Hopelessly Devoted" by The Mini Monster. It's a fanfiction, but even those who don't know of Oli Sykes and his band could read the story it's that realistic, and that's what I love so much about it: the story is realistic and could happen to anyone and someone has probably been through those events and situations.

14. Which of your stories are the most fun to write?
-I love writing all my stories, each one is a new experience I can write in my book, but I really enjoy the creativity I get when writing my little short stories for contests. (Writing "Urban Juliet" was probably the most fun I've had, though.)

15. Which of your stories are the hardest to write?
-Probably the smut, yes, I admit I write smut, but I've only written a few, and those are particularly hard because I've never hit a home run with someone, yet, just third base.

16. Do you ever run into writer's block? What do you do to get over it?
-I do hit writer's block, a lot, and usually I have more than one story going on so I leave the blocked story behind and move on to another, or I simply start a new story I may have an idea for. That's why I have like fifteen stories that need to be worked on.

17. Are there any authors on here that inspire you to write?
-Yes! Right now aswesleepwewalk and AllWeKnowIsSophie are my biggest inspirations because I love their writing styles and creativity in writing so much.

18. Do you research what you write?
-An author that doesn't research at least one thing in their stories is not a good author. You can know a lot of stuff, but you can't know so much to make a story completely based on just what they know. I love research, because sometimes I'll be looking for one thing and find ten new things that I never knew and incorporate it into my stories. Research is awesome, use all you need of it.

19. Do you like to experiment with your writing?
-I'm also looking for new things to do, but sometimes they don't work out that well.

20. Are there any authors that inspire you? (novels, books, etc.)
-Neil Gaiman and Garth Nix are my biggest inspirations in the world of writing.

21. What would be your advice to a new author?
-Read, read, and read. You learn to write from reading what others have done. Writing styles can be molded and transformed just by reading a new type of book. Read, and after you read, read some more, and then write. Fanfiction, I believe, is the best way to start off in the writing world because there is a topic already chosen, you just add your own flair and then move on to your own, new ideas.

22. Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers?
-I am so sorry for how long it takes me to write a new chapter. I saw I'm going to write something quickly, but I don't. I write when I'm inspired and it's hard to be inspired when you're a full time college student with a part time job and a growing social life. But, thank you, thank you, thank you for sticking with me and commenting on when I finally get around to updating. It makes me extremely happy.


It was an honor getting to interview you. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. It really does mean a lot to me.
October 5th, 2013 at 07:48pm