castiel's vessel sweetie bowl!

I'm popping to bed in a bit because it's half ten and y'know, morning does exist and I am in sixth form in hopes of possibly getting into uni next year, but I figured I'd make my sweetie bowl now and fulfil everything tomorrow and the following day because I use any excuse not to write essays that are due for my classes.

Like last year, there's really no rules except link to any story and remember to include "Trick or Treat" in your comment. I don't mind how many you pick so yeah.

Jaffa Cakes: A Magazine review of a story rated R or below that hasn't been reviewed before in the Magazine.

Bourbon Cream: A oneshot for you about anything you wish. I'm open to write about anything so I won't turn a request down if I don't know the fandom. Just comment on here and I'll get back to you via PM for details about it.

Vegan-friendly Cola Bottles: A comment on any story of your choice provided you leave a link to it. I'm open to any genre, fandom and length and the comments will be longer than 200 words.

Dark Chocolate Chewy Delight: A drabble that's either 100 words, 200 words or 300 words about anything that you wish. Just comment for one and I'll PM you about it.

Okay, so bourbons might be biscuits and I guess jaffa cakes do edge into the biscuit category, but I don't really do Halloween so I put down the things I love. And I wasn't even sure I was doing a sweetie bowl this year because I'm quite busy on Mibba and in real life in terms of things I put upon myself because I'm a daft cow, but Victoria and Brittany and some other staffers (?) made one so I figured I should do as well.

Now that I got that done, it's 22:50 and I'm honestly off for the night.
October 6th, 2013 at 11:52pm