I'm still struggling with my damn signature!

Sorry to use these entries to mainly ask questions, but I tend to get questions answered faster this way, rather than going on a forum.

Anyhoot, this is what my signature looks like right now: [center]Sailors, beware! But not of me![/center][/gradient][center]I only sing songs. I don't control[/center][/gradient]
[center]the sea...[/center][/gradient]

I tried putting in fonts and changing the size of different words, but when I did that, either the gradient letters stayed, and the font and size didn't change, or the font and size changed, but the colors were gone.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong at all, but it's really frustrating me. If someone could please tell me what I'm doing wrong, or direct me somewhere where I could find the answer, that would be fantastic!

October 7th, 2013 at 07:26am