I think I have Post-Concussion Syndrome.

I went to the hospital in July, as some of you may have read, because I was hit by a driver who was under the influence of prescription medication. Somehow, I only had a concussion, and a few scraps from the whole thing, which is amazing, since he was going 45 mph (according to the police report.) Last I checked, there is about a 85% mortality rate for pedestrians hit at that speed.

I've simply felt like a completely different person since then. At first, I was happy, and felt lucky to be alive. After two weeks of intense pain went away, it started to become the opposite. I became increasingly paranoid and anxious, especially around busy streets, unsafe drivers, and intoxicated people. Some days, it got to the point where I just wouldn't go outside that day, because I was so frightened. I would just lie in bed all day, and go back to sleep.

I also have difficulty going to sleep at night, sometimes not sleeping until eight in the morning, then waking up every two hours. I've lost the motivation to do things I used to love to do, like draw, write, run, and do yoga. My relationship with my boyfriend (who was there at the time of the accident, and saw the who thing) is suffering. I've been withdrawn from everyone, including him, even when he tries to help me cope with everything that has happened.

I did research the other night, and found out that this is quite common among people that have had a concussion, but is often misdiagnosed. I need to get a doctor's opinion, but it's been three months since the accident, and I'm still waiting for the insurance payout.

I don't quite know what to with myself while I wait to receive the check.
October 7th, 2013 at 09:59pm