Society's Biggest Lie.

Society tell us when we are little that sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never hurt us. That may be the biggest lie that society has ever told. Words do hurt. They can tear apart your very being and leave you broken. People always say that you will get used to it. Or they say that words don't matter and to ignore them. Not everyone is wired that way and they affect everyone whether they admit it or not. Words also have this amazing power to heal and build someone up. People should always think twice about what they are about to say to someone. You never know how those words, no matter how insignificant you think they are, might affect someone else. There is no way to tell what is going on in their lives. Always work to build people up, not destroy them. There might come a day where you're in need of their help and they'll remember what you said to them, your life could be in their hands. All it takes is one word to change someone's life. You decide if it is for good or bad.
October 9th, 2013 at 04:01am