My Interview With ''loveupsidedown'' and ''harley is awkward.''

Hello everyone. ::mrgreen:

Today's interview is with the lovely mibbian loveupsidedown who writes only original fiction. She only as two stories up at the moment, which are sequel and prequel. Check them out. ::cute:

And with that, we reached question time. ::coffee:

01. Would you tell us your full name?

No, but I'll tell you my first name, it's Peta.

02. How long have you been on mibba?

I don't know how long I've actually been on Mibba, but I've been active in the last six months and now I can't leave it for a few hours.

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

Kind of, on Wattpad, but I hardly get on there.

04. Since when have you been writing?

I think since about 2009 when I was in year 8 at school.

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories.

I only have one story posted, which is about a teenage girl who's a slut and has troubles and falls pregnant then her boyfriend dies in a car accident. I have just started the sequel.

06. What inspired you to write each story?

Just being at school and hearing stories of girls who are completely stupid and have no respect for themselves.

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

I like all my characters, and I cry when they hurt. I do have favourites, like Jai, but he died, I cried so much doing it.

08. Do you do research before writing?

Yes, I need to know so much about places. But I do do so much when I'm writing.

09. Is there an author on here whose work you like or is your inspiration?

Yes, tezza. She has written and amazing story called Lucid Dreaming.

10. Do you like experimenting while writing? Writing about stuff you haven't experienced and genres you never thought you'd write about?

Well kind of. I like to finish off one story before I start another but so much stuff plays out in my head, and I would like to try new and exciting things.

11. What's the story you're most proud of?

Cheats, Lies and Love. It's my first story and I'm so happy on how it's turned out.

12. What is your biggest writing weakness?

Spelling and repeating the same words.

13. Are you more of a writer or a reader?


14. Do you read all kinds of fiction?


15. Do you prefer original fiction or fan fiction?

Of course I prefer original fiction.

16. What's the genre you are most comfortable with?


17. Which genres and ratings do you prefer when you pick a story to read?

Romance, drama, and whatever rating.

18. Do you write stories with all kinds of ratings?


19. How often do you update?

When I have something to update, whenever I can. I hate waiting for stories so I post as often as I can.

20. Any words for your readers?

I love them all.

21. Any authors you like and inspire you? (novels/graphic books)

Not really, I don't read too much. Only on here.


Moving on to the next interview for the day, we have in our company harley is awkward. who writes fanfiction and has two completed stories posted.

01. Would you tell us your full name?

Harley Breann.

02. How long have you been on mibba?

Almost a year I suppose. Seems longer than that but I suppose around Christmas it'll be a year.

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

No, I thought about it once but never got around to it.

04. Since when have you been writing?

Since maybe 7th grade but none of those are posted on this site.

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories?

Most of them are romances but I also have a few thrillers and murder stories as well. About half of my stories are fan fiction and the other half, originals. The fan fictions are mostly One direction based.

06. What inspired you to write each story?

All kinds of things spark inspiration for my stories. Sometimes songs, pictures, a dream I had, maybe even a random thought I think of during class one day. Pretty much everything.

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

I love all of my characters like children but I'd have to say that Hayden has to be my favorite. She's from my story Your Eyes Are My Safe Haven. Hayden has real fears and doesn't take any crap. She's very affectionate too. He has to be by far my favorite.

08. Do you do research before writing?

Admittedly, I do research quite a lot. I try not to write about what I don't know but I end up doing it quite a lot.

09. Is there an author on here whose work you like or is your inspiration?

It would have to be my sister-in-law, viralstorm. Not just because she's my sister-in-law but because her work just feels so real and I read as much of it as I can and if I'm having a problem with a story or I'm stuck for ideas, she always helps. Another author would be dawn of light because I just love her work. It's so brilliant.

10. Do you like experimenting while writing? Writing about stuff you haven't experienced and genres you never thought you'd write about?

That's the whole point of why I write. I love experimenting with genres and situations and things like that.

11. What's the hardest story you've ever wrote?

Hmmm... Hardest story I've ever written. That's a tough one but I'd have to definitely say it's probably Your Eyes Are My Safe Haven. I've been writing that almost as long as I've been on this site and there is so much in it that I thought was difficult to write because I'd never experienced a lot of the things that are in the story.

12. What does writing mean to you?

Writing means so much to me. It's hard to explain but it's pretty much one of the only things that makes me feel good and gives me a reason to be creative. It gives me a way to express my thoughts and feelings so it's pretty dear to me.

13. About what was the first story you ever wrote? Could you tell us a little bit more about it?

The first story I've ever written was in 7th grade and I don't really remember much about it because I never finished it and I haven't looked at it since. I seemed to remember that it wasn't very good. However, the first story I've posted on here was a One Direction/Liam Payne fan fiction, called Loved You First. Basically, this girl, Persephone, had a summer romance with Liam Payne the summer before the boys auditioned for the X-Factor. And when he made the show, they lost touch, but years later, after she moved to New York, they meet up again and he tries to take back her heart from her boyfriend, Alek.

14. What's the story you're most proud of?

I tend to talk about it a lot in this interview. It's Your Eyes Are My Safe Haven. I've just spent so much time on it and it's special to me.

15. What is your biggest writing weakness?

My biggest weakness is that I'm very prone to writer's block. I'll feel the need to write but can't think of anything to write.

16. Are you more of a writer or a reader?

I'd say I'm a good mix of both but if I'm being honest with myself, I'm probably more of a reader.

17. Do you read all kinds of fiction?

Oh yeah. Even though I probably prefer fan fiction, at the end of the day I just enjoy reading a good story.

18. Do you prefer original fiction or fan fiction? Do you write stories with all kinds of ratings?

Well being honest, I'm more into fan fiction. Any kind. It's just nice to see what other people fantasize about.

I do write all kinda of ratings. I think I've writing at least one story of every rating.

19. What's the genre you are most comfortable with?

I think I'm most comfortable with romance. But I do enjoy to write a good tragedy from time to time. :)

20. Which genres and ratings do you prefer when you pick a story to read?

I'm usually on the look out for R rated or NC-17 stories in the romance genre.

21. Is there a certain place you like to be when you write? Something you have to do in order to concentrate on writing?

Not a specific place I suppose. Just somewhere quiet or with a light noise like music or something is nice. I suppose I don't have any specific rituals or anything when I write. I just sit down and let the words flow through my fingertips.

22. In which of the characters you created, do you see yourself? (If there is a character like that)

I don't really think any of my characters bare a very striking resemblance to me or my personality because I try to make them as least like me as I can possibly manage. I think I'm a pretty boring individual but I like to live through my characters. I suppose if I had to pick one, it'd probably be Zaire, from my story Compass Tattoo. She's just very average like me i suppose. Although, my parents didn't abandon me or die and leave me a sum of money to live off of, Zaire just seems average to me and I can connect to her a bit better than any other outgoing characters I have created, and I hope others can connect to her as well. :)

23. When you have writer's block, what do you do to get back to writing

I pull out a notebook and force myself to start a chapter and when I get back in the swing of things, I go to the computer and revise what I've written and just continue. Or if I'm working on a fan fiction, I'll go look at their baby pictures on Google (I'm not crazy, I swear) or gifs of the person being silly to get some ideas.

24. If you were a character in a novel, how do you think you would be? Is there a character of a published novel which could be you?

I'd definitely be the weird best friend of the protagonist. You know the one. That odd character that makes obscene jokes or keep a bit of laughter in the scenes. No specific story or anything comes to mind but I'm sure there's a story/book out there that applies to what I'm saying.

25. Which is your favorite character from a published novel?

Hagrid in the Harry Potter series. He's like this really huge, intimidating, burly dude but he's really sweet and teddy bear like deep down and he's just a really cool dude.

26. How often do you update?

I'd like to tell you I update my each of my stories at least once a week, but that's simply not the case. My updates, unfortunately, can be anywhere from a week to a month in between. I wish I could do much more than that but it just doesn't happen with school work and everything.

27. Any words for your readers?

Just thanks for all of your support and thanks for sticking with me for so long. I've made so many great people through this site and I love you all so much.

28. Any authors you like and inspire you? (novels/graphic books)

I love the work of J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. Tolkien but I don't really write fantasies because I'm not really imaginative in that way. I don't suppose there's really any published author's work that I turn to for inspiration.

-This interview was really fun! Glad you picked me! :)
-You're most welcome.

Till next time,
October 9th, 2013 at 07:02pm