Interview: Iggy.

Well, here I am with a new interview. You want me to interview an author, do you? You can suggest them here, or you can just message me. It doesn't matter either or. If you want to read an interview of an author who has already been done, you can go here.

This time around I got the wonderful chance to interview iggy. She is a talented writer. She has stories like Safe and Derreck. Don't worry the links are below in the story. Both of the stories are wonderful. It's simply amazing. She is very talented, as I said earlier. Go read the stories and find out for yourself how amazing she is.

Okay, here is the interview. Enjoy!

1. What's the meaning behind your username?
-Iggy is a nickname that one of my closest friends gave me. I've changed my username about a hundred times, but the nickname stuck and I have kept it as my username ever since.

2. How long have you been on Mibba?
-I have been on Mibba for almost four years, I believe. It should be four years in the beginning of January.

3. Have you ever used any other website(s)?
-I have tried Quizilla, but it just confused me. Plus, I just kept losing my account information and password. I also have a Wattpad, but I haven't done anything on it. I feel like I'm cheating on Mibba just for making an account.

4. When did you start writing? Why?
-I started writing in fifth or sixth grade. I wanted a way to be creative and to express myself. Plus, I loved making up characters.

5. What are some of your stories and what are they about?
-Derreck is about a boy with emotional issues and family problems. He has a lot of anger and distrust because of what has happened in his past. He also doesn't want anybody to care about him, because he doesn't think that he's worth caring about. He tries to cover up and hide his insecurities by keeping them a secret and acting tough around other people.

Safe is a story about Derreck's best friend, Ace, who has some secrets of his own. He has more severe family problems, but he hides it from everybody. He meets a girl named Jodie, who sees his bruises and tries to help him. She teaches him how to trust other people and what it means to have somebody care about him.

6. What's your inspiration for writing?
-I don't really know what my inspiration for writing is. Many times, when I'm writing, it's to get my emotions out. And, other times, it's just to have a good time and to distract myself. I can find inspiration in the smallest things. Whether it be from a quote or a character in a show, movie, or book. Or, sometimes, I find something in the environment that I am in. It really depends on a lot of different things. It's impossible to pinpoint what really gives me inspiration.

7. Do you like writing original fiction more? Or do you like to write fan fiction?
-I definitely feel more comfortable writing original fiction. I feel awkward about writing somebody who actually exists, because I don't want to do them any injustice. So, I would definitely say that I like to write original fiction more.

8. What's your favorite fandom to write about?
-Bring Me the Horizon, probably. I only have a couple of fanfictions, and one of them is about Oli.

9. Do you have any rituals when you write? If you listen to music, what do you listen to?
-I pretty much always have to write in the morning. It can be in the kitchen or in my bedroom. And I like to have my tea or coffee before or while I am writing. I usually have to have complete silence to concentrate, but I have found myself listening to Pierce the Veil while writing lately.

10. When starting a story, what do you do? Do you use an outline? Or do you just kind of write as you go?
-To be honest, I usually don't use an outline, even though I really should. I hardly ever use an outline, and that can end up really messing me up. Because the story ends up not going how I want it to at all and I get sidetracked. I tend to just write as I go and let the characters pull me along.

11. What is your favorite genre to write about?
-I like to write original slash. I'm not sure if that counts as a genre, though.

12. What's your least favorite genre to write about?
-Probably fanfiction, even though I have a couple of fanfictions myself. Like I said before, I don't want to do any injustice to the actual person, so it can be a bit too nerve-wracking.

13. What's your favorite story to read on here?
-My absolute favorite is The Unconventional. But, unfortunately, the author took it down to edit it. I don't know how long she will keep it down. I'm so sad that it's gone right now.

14. Which of your stories are the most fun to write?
-I would have to say Derreck. I have had his character for years, so it's fun to see him come to life and really develop more as the story goes.

15. Which of your stories are the hardest to write?
-Probably Iggy. Even though she is kind of my alter ego, it's difficult to write from the perspective of somebody so blunt and tough, because that's really not who I am at all.

16. Which of your characters is your favorite? Why?
-Probably Ace or Derreck. They're both so fun to write from the perspective of, because they're such cool guys. I feel like they would be the guys that you wish to meet at a party or at school and become good friends with. Especially Ace. He's a really fun-loving guy who is willing to give anybody a chance.

17. Do you ever run into writer's block? What do you do to get over it?
-All the time. I had writer's block for about a year. It was the worst. I had no outlet, no way to let go of my emotions. I try to look at writing prompts and pictures on weheartit.

18. Is there any authors on here that inspire you to write?
-Twoony. She has so many finished stories on here. I wish that I could write stories like her. She has so much determination, and her ideas are genius.

19. Do you research what you write?
-For most things, I kinda know what I am talking about from my own experiences. But, for future projects, I know that I am going to need to do more research. Because they're about much more complicated topics that I don't know enough about.

20. Do you like to experiment with your writing?
-I love to. It's the reason why I have so many different types of stories on here. I just like to switch it up every once in a while and try something out of my comfort zone.

21. Are there any authors that inspire you? (novels, books, etc.)
-David Levithan. He's so clever and I love the ideas that he comes up with. His writing is brilliant. He has a lot of great books out there that I wish more people would read. And the fact that he writes about gay characters is a total bonus.

22. What would be your advice to a new author?
-Try not to get discouraged. Because that leads to giving up, and giving up will not do. You will improve as time goes by. Practice makes perfect. You might not start off writing flawless pieces that you are proud of and that need no extra work. But, as time goes by, you will notice improvements. Keep writing as much as you can. Bring a notebook wherever you go, and write down anything that comes to mind. Just don't lose faith in yourself and in your writing. And have fun with it!

23. Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers?
-Thank you so much for supporting me. All of your wonderful comments and your feedback is highly appreciated. I love you guys so much! My readers mean the world to me. I cannot even tell you guys how much you inspire me to keep on writing. Thank you!


I know that I have thanked you plenty of times before, but I really am grateful that you did take the time to answer all of my questions. It was an honor getting to interview you.
October 11th, 2013 at 06:44pm