Can somebody decipher my mind for me? (SRSLY PLS HELP)

My fic ideas come from when I'm asleep and then I wake up and go "HELEN GUESS WHAT" or "PHONE GUESS WHAT" and sometimes they work and sometimes they're like wut:


What is that. What. My *educated guess* is Rain is ___ as fuck.

But what is rain, what is it really? Is it FICKLE as fuck? FINE as fuck?

And here is where you come in, Mibba. Tell me: WHAT AM I TRYING TO SAY, HERE?


I was at work yesterday and this dude is going to be a rat and a pie. A pirate. He was looking for a rubber octopus and I was like "nope do not have" and apparently he wanted it so he could lift up his shirt and go "WANNA SEE MY TENTACLES?!" and no... no. Please no. That was scary.


Have some Zuko.




And now answer my question. What was I trying to say about rain.
October 11th, 2013 at 11:59pm