Here, have some odd words.

So my sister bought this book, Word Nerd, and let me tell you, it has not disappointed. I've been looking at random words all day and am just now compiling the ones I want to remember. But I do have some, at least one from each letter, that I put in a list last night/this morning. So, without further ado...

alligator pear - another word for avacado

blatteroon - a person who will not shut up

cockthroppled - when your Adam's apple is too large

dumducketty - of a dull, drab color

enthasy - a soft, quiet death

foudroyant - dazzling, flashing, stunning

gallinippers - large mosquitoes

gnathion - tip of the chin

hesychastic - keeping quiet

iracundulous - someone who is easily angered

jackleg - a reckless driver

kalon - the kind of beauty that is more than skin deep

lassate - tired or weary

meretricious - deceptively attractive or whore-like

nurgling - a person with a catlike disposition

ophelimity - ability to please generally

pantopragmatic - one who meddles in everybody's business

plummy - thick-sounding, rich, fruity; with bass predominating (such as a voice)

querimonious - full of complaints or given to complaining

quoob - queer + fool + boob

rhathymia - the state of being cheerful and optimistic

rizzle - to relax after a heavy meal

scelestious/scelestic - wicked

tournure - a word for grace and poise

tracasserie - a state of annoyance or a petty quarrel

uranomania - the delusion that one is descended from heaven

verbigerate - to repeat words or phrases, usually unconsciously

voidee - last minute snack

whiskerando - a heavily whiskered man

witling - a person who tries to be funny but is not

xenodochial - hospitable to strangers

yestreen - yesterday evening

ziraleet - a sudden expression of joy; an exultation

zob - a worthless person

And that concludes today's Weird Word lesson. Hope you enjoyed.
October 12th, 2013 at 07:53pm