My interview with RachTheBat

So as I told you in my previous blog post, me and this is sempiternal; are officially on the interview train, and then now I want to announce my very first interview.....
So here you go, this is my interview with the wonderful girl; Rachel - RachTheBat

NOTE: The people we interview, are not forced to answer on every single question we send their way! :)
We've got some Mibba-related questions, and then we've got some "personal" questions. Here you go:

Mibba related:
When did you start on Mibba?
I think I joined back in February of this year, I haven't been on this site very long so I'm probably still classed as a "newbie" haha.

What is your primary genre to write?
Is smut even a genre? Haha. I don't think I really have a primary genre per se, I'll write about anything me but I do tend to lean more towards the creepy, dark, twisted kind of stories, ones that let my vivid imagination run wild! Although I have been finding myself writing a lot of romance lately.

What's your favourite thing about Mibba?
Just one? Okay, I'd have to say all the wonderful friends I've made here. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love that I can post my creations for the world to see and the feedback I get really does make me smile but the little group of friends I've made here mean very much to me :) Also, talking to people I wouldn't normally talk to and finding you have things in common, that's great!

What's your inspiration for your stories?
Oh man, I get inspiration from all kinds of things. Music mostly, films, TV shows, books I read. Inspiration hits me in the most weirdest places. I could be walking down the road and get an idea in my head so I have to stop and scribble it down somewhere. Being in the shower helps me think, I can organise my thoughts into some kind of order whilst being there and then try and write them down.

Who is your favourite author on Mibba?
This is a toughey cause I have more than one favourite. Brian Haner Jr, Zacky Vengeance;, jettabug and Synful Cocktail (she writes some really creepy dark shit that I love!) are my main ones.

Do you make your banners and layouts yourself?
I do! :D I like to think I've gotten a little better at the whole banner making thing XD

Is there anything you'd like to change or add to Mibba?
I would like for Mibba to add a "like" button. Sometimes, I come across blog comments or story comments and really like and agree with them so to have that "like" button would be awesome, just saying you liked it or agreed with it. There are a few things I would like to see changed here but we won't go into that right now, we'll be here all day haha.

How old are you?
70 obviously..I make a badass grandma Cool Seriously, I'm actually just turned 31. I don't look or act my age, I got the whole baby face thing going on and I'm just a big kid really. My age has been a little bug bear of mine a few times on here.

Do you have any pets?
I do! I have a cat called Poppy, a kitten called Bella who is my little baby and my dad has two dogs, Tess and Duke, and a bunch of birds of prey in the back garden XD

Where's your favourite place to visit, or what place do you want to visit?
My favourite place to visit, would have to be a little patch of mountain near my house, I go there when I'm stressed or upset, late at night and talk to the stars. Yes, I'm aware that makes me sound a little crazy but it works! Places I want to visit - Paris for sure, The Louvre! I want to see the Northern Lights, go to America again and take a road trip through all the UFO hot spots, visit the set of Bones, Japan - I'm a bit of a gadget geek - obviously HB in California, what fan wouldn't? There's loads of other places I'd like to visit but my brain has gone blank on me.

What is your favourite Tv-show/movie?
My favourite TV show is Supernatural. Movie? Aww man! This is so hard! (That's what she said haha). I'm gonna have to go with Pulp Fiction, I can watch that movie over and over and still love it!

What is your favourite band/artist?
That's easy, Avenged Sevenfold :D after that would be Metallica, BFMV, Iron Maiden, Slipknot.

What is your favourite food?

What is your favourite color?
Purple, but like a really dark purple. Or green, I like green!

What is your favourite animal?
Cat :D

What's the meaning of your username?
My name is Rach and I am a bat :D That's all there is to it unfortunately, there's no deep and meaningful explanation haha

Thank you Rachel to make this interview with us!

Take a look here or here , to see who we have already interviewed - so that you don't recommend someone whom we've already interviews! :)
October 13th, 2013 at 07:41pm