do you guys miss me yet? jk | updates on le waves. | SCANDAL

hey guysssssssss.

so a lot of things have been happening lately and when they say junior year really kills .... they really mean it when they say junior year kills.

Like, I really want to just die and maybe reincarnate as a stripper but I can't dance and a hobo is out of the question because I like my wifi and bed okay. I'm honestly so miserable throughout the day, practice is the only break I have. School mentally exhausts me, practice physically drains me and then I get home and trudge through homework and chores(if I ever even bother).

There's so much going on it's so annoying aghhhhh and I have a pre-calculus grade is at 70.2%. It's never been this low. Like, ever. Math is always my worst subject and my lowest grade and it's usually at 85% at the lowest but nope, pre-calc wants to royall fuck me over. That and my teacher doesn't like putting in grades so my grade refuses to move. On the bright side, it shouldn't move down.

Anywaysss, at least this crush I had on this cute guy is over and done with ('cause he's a hoe) because I have no time for anything, not even flirting with members of the opposite sex D:

But that's also cause field hockey takes up so much of my time... I'm sad that we haven't really lived up to our potential in the season but I'm looking forward to the last couple of games. Can't believe it's almost over D: Only one more year, only senior year of field hockey season to gooooo :(

but anyways, my hiatus is still consistent. This is the first time I've been on Mibba for a while but sometimes I forget I'm not supposed to be on here lol. I think I'm like fading away from the site but I'm still doing a group-write. None of my other stories though, they take too much energy lol.

Currently, I'm supposed to be doing an AP Biology lab report but ... meh, I'll probably pull another all nighter so I can sleep the rest of the week. Been living on coffee and cuppucino's y'all.

also roleplaying is pretty much out of the question /sadface
but i'll try to respond after the two games that i have on monday and tuesday.
I hope I score some goals, this drought needs to quit it :'=


So the only shows I'm letting myself keep up with is Scandal and maybe Coven, even though I want to add Once Upon a Wonderland to the list.

Fucking Scandal. Like, I am all over Olivia Pope and Fitz III like. I so very much want them to have sex each episode and all the angst is just so goddamn perfect. I love everything about that show and if you have anything to say about Olivia Pope, so help me I will CAPS-LOCK YOU TO DEATH OVER THE INTERNET.

I WANT TO LOVE HER DOWN. She's my #WCW ::inlove:
I love her and everything that has been happening in the last two episodes already has me crying. Don't even get me started on mother-effing CAPTAIN JAKE BALLARD. DID YOU SEE HOW PITIFUL AND BLOODY HE LOOKED AND HOW SCARED AND TERRIFIED OLIVIA WAS? MY GOD.

If someone started watching that show for me, and we could rant and write each other Ohlitz scenes or do roleplays oh my god, my life would do a 180 for the better.
October 14th, 2013 at 01:07am