NaNoWriMo + Masterlist + Lolly Bowl

I'm getting more and more pumped for NaNo, and surprisingly -- after finishing my essay and trekking to and from University -- I managed to get some more planning done. I've mapped out some more of the finer details and I've spent the last few hours creating character bios for my two main characters.

Which leads me to my next point... If you're doing NaNoWriMo, link me to your stories! I'm thinking that I'm going to set up a blog with a masterlist of NaNo stories, so if you give me a short description, maybe a genre or two and a rating I'll add yours to the blog. Oh, and if you want to link me to your NaNo profile I'll add that to the list as well so that there's a neat little collection of them. (: Plus, I'd love to see what you're planning to write, and hopefully we can help motivate each other! Mine is here: Defiance. Oh, and my NaNoWriMo profile is here if you want to add me so that we can be buddies. WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT.

And for those of you who are interested in learning more about that story (or are willing to humour me by appreciating my rare organisation skills) you can find the character bios and basic story information for Defiance here on my writing tumblr. I'll be posting excerpts as I go along there too. It doesn't contain any spoilers and the character info is pretty basic, but you can have a look at it if you like. Defiance is going to be a complex story full of twists and turns and I'm excited to write it. AND GUYS, LOOK AT HOW ORGANISED I AM. stole it off Shauna but since when do I not steal things off of her.


So to those people who asked to be a part of my lolly (candy) bowl, I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten you! I've got exams this week and part of next week but I will get to giving you guys all of your pressies. There are still a few treats left and if I get most of the commenting done I might add a few more of those before Halloween.

October 14th, 2013 at 03:56pm