Time For Another Rant, This Time About Music

It's safe to say music has changed a great deal over the years, we've mad new discoveries, changed sound, and grown from the music styles from "back in the day." Yeas in many cases change is progress, but is the music industry today really changing for the better? Are we really focusing on whats important?
Now days its as if your looks are just as important as your music quality. Rock as our main example. Now days its as if your music could be terrible but as long as you look good and are wearing skin tight jeans, it doesn't matter. Maybe you're someone who's an amazing very talented musician, but if you don't look the part, or throw out your "rock star act" than you aren't good enough.
Am I the only one who is tired of hearing how much someone loves a band, when the only reason is they think the singer is hot? It's even worse when they've never even heard a song from the band. Don't get me wrong I love some of the bands now days. No I am not very old, but I still know what quality music sounds like. I just want to know, the same question asked million times before...Since when was music not about the music anymore?
Rant over. Thanks for reading.

(P.S. I am not calling anyone out on style choice when I'm referencing Skin tight jeans I just mean it as what is suppose to be your typical stereotyped rock star"
October 16th, 2013 at 03:52pm