Why It's Worth It

I've been thinking and talking and wanting to talk about this for a few days and I just haven't.

There's a lot of things I hate, like a lot. I can't even begin to describe all of the things I hate, along with the new ones that keep arising.

This fucking government shutdown, the fact that money is an issue for too many people in my life and I'm sitting here unable to do a thing, the fact that I'm only sixfuckingteen, etc, etc.

But sitting here ranting about it isn't going to help me. Me sitting here and just asking myself why why why why why why, isn't going to do a single thing.

So I'm going to list some things that for me, make life worth it.

My art, and art in general
My dog, and his cute little quarks
When you catch someone staring at you and as soon as you look they turn away as if they were embarrassed
The drama club at my school
My beautiful friends and the way they can always make me smile even when I don’t want to
The way humanity as a whole can be such a beautiful thing at times
When you cheer a person up just by talking to them
Watching someone and noticing every little thing they do
Deep conversations

And that's about all I can think of. But it's the little things, the ones we take for granted, that make it all worth it.
October 16th, 2013 at 10:58pm