My experience meeting Escape the Fate

Okay so yesterday was the Escape the Fate show. My friend had flown me up to her and we had taken an 8 hour road trip into North Carolina to see them, especially since Max was with them. So my friend and I were dead tired, got ready, got into line and just waited. We had gifts for the guys so we tweeted to them and Thrasher(who is adorbs btw) replied and asked where we were. So after a while Thrasher, TJ and Ben, their photographer, came out and we walked with them out to the parking lot. They walked off by the bus to get another gift from one of the fans while we retrieved their gifts. So we walk over, my friend carrying Max's present and me carrying the bag with the rest of their presents, and we just kinda stood off and watched them open this one gift they got which was a frisbee game. All of a sudden, TJ looked up and was like 'Well don't just stand there, come join us.' So we walked over and my friend is hiding Max's present behind me since we wanted to give it to him last.

I told TJ that I wanted everyone out here to receive their gifts at the same time so Ben ran up and got Max, Robert and Craig. Max walks over. Then Robert and finally Craig. After trying to hide Max's gift so well, TJ comes up and says 'That's a sick guitar! Or is that a bass?' Giving us up. So we look up and my friend says it's Max's present and he looked up and his eyes widened. Here's how that conversation went:
Max: That's mine?
My friend: Yep.
Him: No way.
Her: Yes way.
Him: Shut up.
Her: That is all yours now.

So while Max is just enjoying his new bass, Robert comes up and says 'Where's my new drumkit guys?' So he and Max started picking on each other, Robert saying 'That's a gorgeous bass, too bad he doesn't know how to play it.' It was cute.

We give the guys the rest of their gifts, TJ being first since his was the smallest. His was a shot glass in the shape of a woman from Spencer's. Craig grabbed it and licked the ass part, making everyone laugh. Next was Craig, we got his baby boy a onesie that said 'My dad can kick your dad's ass.' He laughed and said 'I don't know how true that is, but thank you.' After Craig was Robert, so he walks up and he says 'Let's see if these ladies know their favorite band.' And I pulled out a Metallica shirt and he was in awe and said 'They DO know their favorite band.' Finally was Thrasher and I had tweeted to him the day before asking his favorite band but he replied with a totally different answer so we just got him an A7X shirt. So I told him that his answer was super vague and that I hope he liked A7X and he was like 'Oh hell yeah!' And then as he's looking at the logo, he jokes around and says 'I think I've heard of this band before.'

Meanwhile, Max is just playing around with his new bass that had no strings. He was totally adorable throughout the whole thing and he was so wrapped up in thanking my friend and playing with the bass that he didn't notice me. So I stepped forward and introduced myself. Then I go 'I'm sorry to say but you're under arrest.' And he laughed and said 'I've been arrested before.' So I asked 'You're not even going to ask what for??' So he does and I told him 'For being too damn cute of course!' and he laughed, his eyes lit up and he hugged me saying 'I don't think I've ever been arrested for that before.' So everyone hugs and they go off to get ready for the show while my friend and I go stand in line. I had to walk back to the car though cause I had a panic attack.

Okay so the show. The first two bands were pretty good but I didn't care, I just wanted to see ETF. So they come on, I'm screaming, the kid next to me is screaming and we made friends over the band. So during Until We Die, I had gotten elbowed in the nose but it was okay since it didn't break. After this though, as I was singing along the lyrics, everything just hit me and I burst out crying. So This War Is Ours came on and I'm still bawling my eyes out, screaming along with the lyrics, throwing up the devil's horns. Craig sees me, points devil horns at me and blows me a kiss which I returned and he grabbed it and put it on his chest which just made me cry harder. So the guy next to me asks if I'm okay and I tell him why I'm crying; I was ten months clean from self harm because of this band. And he hugged me super tight and we continued singing and screaming along.

So after the show, my new friends, my friend I went there with, and I all walked to the back. We were hanging out inside to see if ETF was going to come out to the merch table but they never did. Then I find out that they all were in the bus and they had already met the fans. I burst out into tears again and my new friend just hugged me super tight. So I pull away from him and walk up to Ben who had just come down from the bus and asked if he could get Craig. I get told that he's not feeling well and that he's not coming back down and I started crying even harder, I was apologizing left and right and just said 'I don't care who comes out, I just need to talk to someone from the band, please.' So Ben leaves and walks up onto the bus. Five minutes later, nothing and I'm sobbing in my friends' arms so one of the girls who were standing with us in line earlier walked up and asked what was wrong. My friend told her and she was like 'You wait here, I'll go get Craig.' So she does, Craig comes walking off the bus and I smiled at him through my tears and he just immediately pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. He asked me what I was addicted to and I told him self harm and he replied with 'You don't need to be doing that stupid crap!' And he kissed the side of my head. So he asked how I got into it and I told him because my parents were fighting a lot at the time and he said he was there before. He shared some things with me about his home life and he made me laugh and kept hugging me. So I told him that today was the tenth month mark of being clean and I showed him my tattoo and he kissed that as well. Then I told him about how he spotted me out in the crowd and how much I appreciated that. He was just such a sweetheart and told me that I was strong and held me tightly as I cried. I thanked him over and over again and he kissed my cheek before going back up onto the bus. I was still a crying wreck but because I was so happy and couldn't believe that he came down to talk to me, despite not feeling well.

So after a while Max comes back out so I go over to him and we're talking and I told him 'I meant what I said earlier, so you're going to have to come with me.' And he laughed and said 'Oh really?' And I nodded. So he joked around asking if I was a real cop and I just shrugged before saying 'I can be.' After I said that he turned away and mumbled something under his breath that sounded a lot like 'That sounds like a good time.' So I said something else and he was laughing before he said 'I don't know how to respond to that.' It was great. So I got a picture with him and I showed him my cellphone charms and he thought they were rad and said 'Where's my money for this? I mean this guy is making miniature me's!' And he was just super cute.

So all in all, last night was fucking great, I wish I could just replay it over and over again and I've been crying all day and the whole time I was writing this. I just, they're all great guys. TJ's super sweet, Thrasher is super sweet, Robert's super sweet, Max and Craig are sweethearts and just they're all amazing people and I'm so grateful for everything they have done for me without even knowing it.

That's all I really wanted to share with you guys, so yeah. Time for bed now since for the last three days, I've only gotten 7 hours of sleep. o.e

October 17th, 2013 at 02:51am