So four years ago I joined mibba...

Disclaimer: There are people who have been here much much much longer than me, most of them are gone, but some still exist. I'm just writing this to show how different things are since when I joined.

Four years ago I was fifteen years old and made a mibba account. (And before then, I was on a MCR fansite made by the same creators, if anyone remembers that. I had to check to see if it still exists. It does.)

Back then, there was a list of online users that got to a hundred on its busiest times and your stories would be on the front page for at least an hour, probably a lot more. My memory isn't perfect, I've drank a lot since then.

Oops, rambling.

Anyway, I still lived with my parents. My mom had just remarried and we were living in a two bedroom house crammed with seven people. We were not very well off and none of us were very happy. I didn't really have any friends so I spent most of my time online. The only reason we had internet was because my aunt needed it for work.

That's brief, but it'll suffice.

Fast-forward four years later...

I now live on my own in an apartment with a roommate I both love and hate. I've got a pretty good work resume going and I just started my sophomore year at a real university. (I was going to community college before.) I'm currently with my first boyfriend of three years and we're doing the long distance thing. (Its working pretty well, he comes up here once a week.) I'm still not very popular, but I think I've come a long way. Its just weird to think I logged onto mibba regularly along the way.

Mibba was my online parent pretty much. I remember I used to look up to all the users that were my age now and think they were so cool. lol. I've always been a huge dork.

Well, I think I got my point across. This turned into a much longer blog than I was planning!
October 18th, 2013 at 12:46am