Comment Swaps?

So I haven't been on Mibba in a while and I want to get back in the groove of writing, but I'd like some comments before investing in stories again, you know?

So hey! I had a crazy idea! what is my crazy idea? Why don't you give me something of yours to read, and I give you something of mine to read, AND WE COMMENT ON EACH OTHER'S THING?! Crazy I know, but I think it may just work out well for both of us! :p

Like I said before, I haven't been on in a while and the last thing I wrote on here was 6 months ago. A lot has happened in 6 months. Plus, I was here on and off before then.


So, since the last thing I wrote only had one comment, I'm going to recc' that.

So check outEmbrace. It only has one chapter and it's not long.

So hey you know, it's a comment swap, so leave me stories? No fan-fiction, please. Not this time around. But other than that, I'm up for anything.

Also, I may not get to your story tonight (or technically morning because it's 1 a.m.) since I'm probably going to bed soon, but I promise you, I will. :)

'Tis all I believe.

Goodnight, Good morning, whateves.

October 19th, 2013 at 09:51am