So Hungry. -sadface-



Work was crazy busy and I had a small slice of pizza for dinner. I had some leftover spicy nuggets from Wendy's and once I heated that joint up, everyone started eating it. These dickheads didn't even ask, but I probably would've offered anyway. Haha. But it was a fun night. My boss was yelling and everything and my coworker was already getting upset, but I was just running around like a maniac and laughing.

I scuffed my cute boots though. ;_; That's what I get for forgetting to bring my work shoes. I was like 'NOOOOOOO. MY BOOTS'. I guess I yelled it out because afterwards, one of my customers was asking me, "Are you worried about your boots?" and I thought he said 'boobs', so I was like what. No, they're fine. :| I laughed so loud when I realized he was talking about my boots, but he was nice and told me about some places to get leather conditioner and all that jazz. It was terrible.

This morning I had class though and I really didn't feel like going, but it wasn't so bad. It was pretty fun because we were talking about space and time and paradoxes and time travel and all that jazz. We were just blowing our minds and there's this adorable guy that sits near me that mentioned Doctor Who. I didn't want to go fangirl on him because he's like this really smart kid who'd probably think I'm a dunce. D: BUT I BEFRIENDED THE DUDE TO THE RIGHT OF ME AGAIN. The power of cigarettes, guys. It brings people together. This happened a few months ago in the exact same classroom with the dude to my right. Gehehe. Horrible, I know.

And I had this WEIRD ASS DREAM about my professor in that class. I think we did the dirty because we were naked in bed [in the dream]. It was so fuckin' weird. I was like omg, I'm embarrassed to look at him even though it was just a dream. -_- AWFUL.

Something that isn't terrible or horrible or awful is MY COUSIN FROM THE PHILIPPINES MIGHT BE COMING TO LIVE HERE WITH US. Kyaaaa. They have an interview next month but I'm not entirely sure how it all works. All I know is that my mom petitioned for them to come and I'm super excited. I made sure not to get my hopes up when she told me that part last year, but I don't know. I'm getting all excited again, but I'll be super sad if it doesn't go through. I was worried about my cousin too because when he told me online, I was like 'What about school! What about your dad! What about your girlfriend!'. I feel bad that I want him to come over here and leave what he has over there. But I'm actually worried about him living here because WHAT IF HE GETS CORRUPTED. :| Everyone will totally blame me if that happens. lol. I know it.

But he's such a good boy, I adore him. And he's too cute for school, I'm going to have to watch the girls that try to come around and holla because I KNOW YOU GIRLS ARE UP TO NO GOOD. D: jk. but srsly.

Damn, I feel like an overprotective older sibling and he's not even here. Is this what it's like? I don't like it.

That's all. I'm so hungry. I may just sleep early so I can wake up tomorrow and eat shit.

October 20th, 2013 at 06:32am