Mibba, Alex hasn't been on this site for the better part of a year. { I'ma be a ball python breeder, 'kay? }


Are any of my friends even still around anymore?

Man, I've missed you guys. I've missed this place. I was just reading through old blog entries of mine, laughing to myself, havin' a good time.

For those of you who maybe have joined the Mibba community since I left and have no idea who I am, or the many of you who probably forgot who I am or didn't even know who I was to begin with, because I didn't -- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, I HAD MY HEADPHONES IN AND APPARENTLY ONE OF THE TABS I HAVE OPEN HAD AN AD ON IT THAT STARTED PLAYING MUSIC AND SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME.

... Anyway. I'm Alex. Better known for being that transgendered gay guy who had a lot of girlfriend problems for a couple of years and kept making borderline-suicidal blog entries complaining about how unhappy I was with her.

All of that's in the past, though!

To be completely honest, nothing worth mentioning has really happened to me in the past nine months.

Nothing... except for one thing.

I got a motherfucking ball python.

And he is my child and I love him to death.

Meet Feryn.


And, just to get a better understanding of his pattern, a crap cellphone pic taken earlier this week a few hours after he'd shed and I was feeding him...


He's a fire morph! I want to breed ball pythons very badly. Hoping to get a bumblebee female at an upcoming reptile show in a couple of weeks. I want to make fire bees. Which look like this:


My favourite basic morph, though? Definitely clowns.


My ultimate goal in breeding is the fire clown.


Mm, yes. Yes, that is indeed the stuff.

Ah, genetics.
October 21st, 2013 at 08:34am