I Wasn't Disappointed

So I looked up god of the internet and I was not disappointed at all. It took some looking around, but I found this randomly. It was awesome. I love it.


Is it there? I hope it is. Do you enjoy it too?

Been doing a Dragonball campaign with my friends. Its fun so far. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I have been. My character has split personality disorder and is a sayan too. I probably misspelled that. Oh well.

I've been a walmart for two months now. I'm leaving soon. Tenaris is hiring and it is better pay and no customers. I'm not a people person.

On the story note, I have a chapter in progress for The Pheonix and the Moon as well as Traveling With Who. Will take some time before I can get them up.

How's everyone doing? Been looking for a new fantasy story to read i.e. witches and wizards and demons and other mythical creatures. Any suggestions on that?
October 23rd, 2013 at 05:27am