
When İ listen to the shell stuck to my ear, İ imagine and feel many things that go through my mind and fill me with different emotions, making me happy and relaxed. İt's amazing how such a little thing can make you feel so different and on top of the world.
There are so many feelings to describe, but İ'll just start wıth the best of them, which is the emotional part: Listening. What İ felt first was the peaceful feeling when you are on the beach and it's empty, you sit or lie down, then you listen to yourself in peace, just taking in the smell of the sea. Even though you're just listening to the waves through a shell, you still feel relaxed and at peace. The funny thing is you can actually feel peace by doing that. Another thing İ felt when listening to the shell was: Happiness, of the genuine kind, not the type which you feel out of nowhere but the actual kind that İ could feel coming to me to stay within me for good.
Except for stirring your emotions, listening to a seashell activates your sense of touch. İ actually felt texture come into my nerve cells! The feeling of water splashing onto my body and the salt in the sea burning my nostrils. Just touching the surface of the shell made me feel like İ'm at the sea playing with the Dolphins and feeling their shiny leather like skin under my fingertips while they take me on a ride to the sea, and as we go, İ can sense the water gliding on my skin. İt's just the best thing İ could imagine touching.
The last sensation İ experienced while listening to the shell was the sight of the sea right before my eyes. İ saw the sand, as white as snow, so dry , clean and gold that your feet would feel all tickly. İ saw the clear, blue water, so clear that İ could see the bottom of the sea and even some fish having some fun. İ saw how happiness could be real in life filled with laughter and hyper activity.
İ could just stay listening the whole day. İ noticed many things just playing with a small object, and could appreciate the beauty of nature. Although İ didn't really experience these things, it was enough just to imagine, feel and hear these to make you happy!
October 23rd, 2013 at 04:47pm