Ramble VII

I have found it!

I have officially found it!

I'm a cisfemale demipansexual! And I am so fucking proud that I have finally found the right words to describe my sexuality. Perhaps it's just the high of discovery, but now I can finally say that I'm content with who I am without question.

I don't even have a problem with giving long winded answers to people who don't know what the frack I mean by demipansexual!

On another note, I'm moving to southern Iowa pretty soon from my home in western Wisconsin. It'll definately be weird thinking that I'll be the one with an accent down there, lol. Also, it's very brown there this time of year and everything is corn... everything. Plus the farms smell different, lol. Enough with my rant.
October 24th, 2013 at 02:44pm