It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn

One of my favourite life quotes I like to recite to myself to give me faith sometimes. Those of you who know me on this know I am quite a happy, chirpy easy go lucky chick but today I'm a little more dark and depressing. I was at a funeral, the second one I've been to in my life and it was emotionally draining to say the least.

I usually don't post about stuff this personal to my life but I might give it a go considering all the supportive and amazing friends I've made on here, some of them better than my friends that I see all the time. Which I am so thankful for due to times like this when I can just log on and you awesome mibbians will be there and take an interest.

I used to be a very anti social person but coming back here after a long hiatus made me more confident and less socially awkward thanks to you guys and you're stories. My sub conscience awkwardness may have put across the wrong idea of me but I am very friendly and sweet I swear haha.

Anyway I didn't mean to drag this out so much and make this about me so I'll get to the point. Thanks to everyone supporting my new co write Survivors I'll be updating probably Sunday as I'm working tomorrow and my laptop charger broke so trying to get a new one.

One last thing, I want to do a candy bowl but what do you name the treats? I have no idea. Sorry for any grammatical and punctuation mistakes I'm currently using my phone so my bad plus I need a nap I'm so drained :(
October 25th, 2013 at 03:50pm