What Is Evil?

So, my last blog post was deleted for "bashing", which is rather unfortunate as i never called a single person out on anything, nor said anything to any specific group of people. I merely tried to get people to see the evil existing all around them. Also, it served as a good starting point (at least im my belief) for anyone starting on their own journey of self-discovery, or at the very least a good base understanding of my beliefs in which you can better assess my later works that will come. However, i let that fall by the wayside and will move on to my real topic: Moral Evils and True Evils.

I think the best start for this would be to ask yourself how you define god. I think your religion (if you were actually intelligent enough to pick one for yourself, that is) is highly dependent upon your definition of a "supreme" being. I think many people could view me as an atheist if they did not know of my definitions or failed (or refused) to understand my view points. When it comes to how modern Christians describe "god", i have to greatly disagree with it. I view god as the collective consciousness of everything in existence, making me a pantheist. Pantheism is the belief that god is a part of everything, and everything is a part of god.

Now, ask yourself if god is benevolent, malevolent, or uncaring.

If you agree with me in the idea that god is benevolent, then you must also agree and understand that he does not want worship (as what benevolent being would want others to get on their knees and praise him), gives us free will (he loves us enough to let us choose), and views everyone equally in his love. If you disagree with any of this then clearly what you believe in is not a benevolent being.

If you answered that god is Malevolent, than why do you worship him? Do you fear him?

If you answered that god is uncaring then, once more, why do you worship him? And also, why did he create us and then just stop caring? Is he that flawed?

If you believe in a benevolent god, then you must remember, god loves us enough to give us free will, so why would he hinder us with things like the bible (and many, many other religions) preaches as sins? And why would a benevolent God condemn people to hell. That sounds more like a spiteful angry god, not one of love.

(Also, remember, every religion preaches that theirs is the one true religion, and i feel that here is really where arrogance plays a large part. I think that a lot of people dont ask why their religion is correct, and none of the others are. If their god is so great why didnt he prove his existence in other places like he did in yours. Or is he just that lazy? I feel as though in past times (after the whole crusade type stuff was over) the whole topic of religion was just a little bit to taboo to touch, and now our generation is so dumbed down by our media that we have the attitude of just accepting what is told to use even more than in past ones, and that that idea also gets thrown into the mix. It is not just religion that people do not question, it is everything, and that needs to change. Possible even worse than this (and i am saying this only for the scholarly purposes of provoking thought, and in no ways attempting to "bash" anyone) are the people who say they are religious, but aren't. They just say they are because thats what they have been taught to say, but they put no thought into it and do not follow any of the tenants (not that i condone doing self detrimental activities). In my opinion people should have a healthy bit of spiritualism within their lives (even if i disagree with their beliefs). Even an atheist is better than the type of person I just listed above if they think about existence.)

Anything truly Malevolent should be fought with every bone in your body, but i will get down to that below.

Anything uncaring should be abolished.

Now that we have established that a Benevolent god would not want to hinder us in our developments, and have covered what to do with a malevolent god and an uncaring one, we can move on with holy rules. What makes the rules established in any religion correct? How can you be certain that the rules you believe in are correct? Did the god come down to you himself and tell you? Or are you relying on something another person told you?

But delving deeper. . . how did god create things? Remember, everything has a scientific and mathematical answer. When you boil things down, maths is everything. In fact, science is just applied math. (Even in biology. There is a mathematical transform that can change mathematical equations into wavelengths just like those monitored in brain functions. I believe that it is the fourier transform, but i am not positive). We know that we exist in three dimension, and it is irrational to believe that that is all that their is. In fact, we have said that the fourth dimension is time.

Before the first dimension is a single point. It has not mass, it is just a marking, a place. As far as we know nothing more basic can exist. Then, comes the first dimension. It is a line. It has only length, not width nor height. It is made up of an infinite number of points in one straight line. Afterwards comes the second dimension. This is a plane. It has height, and length, and is made of an infinite number of lines put together. After that, is the third dimension. It is made up of an infinite number of planes all put together, and has height, length, and width. Now, we have the fourth. Looking at this pattern, the fourth would have one added element or, dimension to it. But, what would that look like? Our three dimensional minds will never be able to comprehend it, we simply do not think that way. A fourth dimensional shape would be almost like a sequence.

Now we know the system in which reality is built, but we have still failed to answer how this all happened. Lets start at the beginning, where most religions start, before existence itself. Where this is nothing. Only potential, and potential will not stay still for long, so it expanded outwards, as far as it could in every direction.It was a single point of existence surrounded by nothingness. Now, once that expanded infinitely, what else does it have to do? It cant expand in a place where their is already something else, now can it? So it began to expand with more depth, in another dimension. Then after that, repeated it again.

If we can accept that as fact, then we can understand more to the point in life. If we are all part of god, and god (Or the original energy that created us) is inside us all, then are we not also here to grow and expand in all ways possible? And if that is true, then how can we expand an experience if some things are taboo? The answer is that we cant. Thusly, if our only point is to experience our life to the fullest, and reach our highest potential, just like “God” is doing, then the only true evil would be to revolt against benevolence and refuse ourself our highest potential.

That is correct, you if agree that god is benevolent, than logically you must also agree that their is no evil life but to deny yourself the right and opportunity to experience and grow. However, many things are quite taboo in this society we all collectively live in. I will actively and always support acts that go against societal norms. What society deems as evil are what i call Moral Evils, while denying yourself your true potential is considered True Evil.

However ridiculous a lot of Moral Evils are, they are needed to create a stable society, so i will support them to a certain degree.

If anyone feels i am bashing them, or anyone, or breaking any rules, please message me about it first and i will work with you to fix the issue, as my last one was deleted and i would really like it if this one wasnt. I would like to get my ideals out, and dont mind icing over some issues to do that in the mean time.

Any questions or comments do not be afraid to comment, though if you want a higher chance of getting a reply just feel free to message me about it.

And never forget, do not ever stop thinking.
October 26th, 2013 at 07:51am