Age & Other Things.

It occurs to me that I'm much (but not that much) younger than most of the members on this website. I'm completely okay with that, too. I just don't want people to be put off by my writing because of how young I am. I doubt that that'll happen, because only a few people know how old I actually am, but sometimes it worries me. I simply don't want anyone to automatically not read my stories because I'm maybe three to six years younger than them. It seems like such a stupid thing to worry about.

On the other hand, I've realized that I live quite the cliché life (story wise.) Literally, all I do is drink coffee and read. (Besides writing, that is.) I don't do much else with my life. I'm one of those shy people (unless your my friend because then I can get a little coo-coo) and I don't have a lot of enemies. Sure, there are people that I don't like, but I don't genuinely hate anyone. I drink coffee, read sappy romance stories (mostly by pallid. and darkaly because omg they're perff, oh how i wish to be that talented), and write.

October 27th, 2013 at 12:21am