NaNoWriMo 2013 [Stats]


Totally stealing idea from wolves. - I really need to organize this if I want to reach 51k OTL

All of these can also be found at my tumblr here u v u;;


{ profile

{ story: Cardinal Sin

Short summary: A world of 2324 - the second apocalypse has just started and all the special agents, secret services, military, citizens and basically everyone is encouraged to find seven people among seven billion - so called sleeping agents.

'Sleeping agents' are genetically altered humans - some of them lived since 20th century. They were, at first, made to be perfect soldiers, but with time they started showing aberrations - being disobedient, feeling emotions, acting rashly and on impulse. Originally, there was over hundred of them.

{ goal: 51 000

- Considering I already have a little over 16 000, it comes about 67 000 words in total, more or less.

{ words today: 16 omfg [on November 25th]

{ words so far: 53 379 / 54 614 on NaNo counter.

{ scenes and prompts:

If it has [ * ] next to it, it means it's mine. If it doesn't, it means I found it while browsing NaNo blogs and just prompt blogs in general. Sources vary. I will cross these out as I finish them.

If it has [x] around the number, it means I've included it u v u

1. Two characters who aren’t in relationship kiss.
[ 2. ] Main characters and/or lovers argue.
3. Shuffle playlist and write a scene based on the song.
[ 4. ] Poem [ although I did that in introductory chapters I want to do it again weep ] *
5. Dancing. *
[ 6. ] Start chapter with ‘Do you have any idea how to fix this?'
7. Spiders. *
8.Description of a disfigurement.
[ 8.a. ] Leontina Giganti
[ 8.b. ] The Limper
9. Filthy restaurant.
[ 10. ]The weather is the goddess. *
[ 11. ]Disease.
12. “I couldn’t find that place again if my life depended on it.”
[ 13. ] Eavesdropping. *
[ 14. ] A man in faded green hat.
15. Small physical wound that just won’t heal.
16. Birds. *
[ 17. ] Crawling. *
[ 18. ] Sentient zombies. *
19. Gunpowder. *
20. Nicotine.
October 27th, 2013 at 11:09am