I feel really bad folks, hope this helps.

I swear this is my last blog on here. I just feel very bad for those of you who were in the middle of some of stories and decided that to be fair, that I would leave you with this piece of information.

I have created a blog for all of the stories I will be removing very shortly. It's under alonginginmybones on tumblr (because sadly enough someone owned deadly night shade.) you can talk to me or message me through that blog or my personal which is theresxaxlight.

Though in order for you to see my stories you will have to follow the blog, because I will not be putting hashtags on the end of my stories because MIW, does go through their tags and I don't want them to think I'm a creep. Lmao, I'm seeing them in less than two weeks and I don't want my idols to think badly of me. (Even though they're really great guys).

Thank you my fellow creatures, I love you all dearly and all of you have been nothing but pleasurable to meet and to be friends with.

I hope to see you on my blogs!

(P.S I will follow you back! I don't like when people don't follow back it makes me feel sad!) Hopefully I'll see you all on tumblr!

Stay metal lovelies,
Deadly night shade
October 29th, 2013 at 02:27am