Self Harming

In the years that I have grown and everything that I have dealt with in my life, could possibly not be any worse then anyone else's life or problems. But their is one thing that has stayed on my mind for quite some time now as I read poetry that seem very brutally outward on Mibba. Now I m not judging anybody, I am not trying to get anywhere with this, I guess it's just a fellow member getting their thought down for the first time. Now we all know about self harming, self mutilation, cutting, cutter, their's so many names for it. We all know the issues of what moves a person to get there, and if you don't then read about it, it's more of a psychological thing then anything.

What am I trying to get with this? Well, what I am trying to get with this is this... poetry is a way for some teens to express the way they feel sometimes, others express themselves by doing bad things or maybe by like I mentioned, self harming. Self harming has been stereotyped as an "emo" thing, sadly. But if we really think about it... what is it really? Why does it occur? Why can't parents ACT instead of ATTACKING their own children for something their child probably has no control over? Self harming is more of a choice, you can take it, or you won't, why is it a choice though? Well, because you could turn to it when you have nowhere else to turn to, it's like a security blanket, a good high, a good feeling, a way to release any emotion you have built up inside out.

To the victim, it's a way to release whatever is there... when words are put in paper or on the internet that's where it get's to a point where they are trying to reach to someone out there, doesn't matter who it is, anybody that'll make them feel safe, good, and loved. But my question is, why reach out to someone you have NO IDEA who they are, regardless whether they care about you or not, when you have 2 of the most dearest people who love you that are no farther then a foot away? Or if the case here is that their is a lot of conflict between those people, why not turn to someone who will listen, someone who you know will give you a try? It might seem as though their is no one, their will be no one.... sadly when you get through all the people you thought would be there you are left with no one at all but to deal with your own self.

The matter of fact is I could be wrong, I could be judging, I could be talking like I know what I am saying.... the reality of the matter is I do know what I am saying. I have dealt with the whole problem myself, been going 8 years for it. I wrote what was on my mind, but as brutally as I wrote it I don't think it took me anywhere... but it did help relieve what was inside, the fact of having someone read it was a complete different thing, whether it was rated R or not. The poetry I read now and in here either are saying something to the viewer, or it's words put in a verse that make no sense but make sense to the writer. Either way they're all good poetry whether they make sense or not.... but maybe it should be explained or put in words where it shouldn't be so brutal... It's just one thought from a member to another, don't think I am judging or anything.

And please if anyone is offended, I am very sorry, it was not my intention to do so.... and their is no reason for me to offend, for I have also been through that road myself.

October 30th, 2013 at 12:19am