the icing on my cake.

God, so much shit is going on i can't keep my head straight.

first of all, my friend's brother died in a horrific car accident really early this morning.
i saw the site, it was really bad. he was only 24. i haven't talked to her yet, i have no
idea how to confront her about something like this, but i want her to know i'm there
for her. but i have no idea what she must be feeling right now. =/

and about a week ago my friend told me she tried to commit suicide.
i felt awful cause she like disappeared for about four days, and i was
getting pissed cause i thougth she just wasn't talking to me or something ...
finally she calls me back, and i wasl ike, where the hell were you ? and she
goes, in the hospital. getting my stomach pumped. she tried to OD. i felt like
a complete asshole, but apparantly she blamed my other friend for it, saying
an argument between them triggered it or something. so now her parents are
considering sending her to this rehab place cause she tried to swallow a bottle
of fucking pills. she's my best friend in the world though, and if they send her
there, i would never see her. i wouldn't be able to call her and talk to her at 3 in
the morning like we used to. i had no idea she was even the slightest bit depressed.
i would go back in an instant to try and fix it, but i'm still so grateful she's even alive.

my life is fucked up.
September 9th, 2007 at 11:25am