Because of my mistakes...

I had a very dear friend. My best friend in the entire world! She was one of my only and first true friends. We met each other when we were in the third grade. My two other good friends (lets call them F and H) from second grade were in a different class... We had to pick partners to work on our math books. No one wanted to pair with me. They were either already paired up, or random people I didn't know... Then I saw her, (Lets call her R) she sat at her table all by herself, with no one to pair up with...I felt bad. And so, being the big mouthed person I was, I skipped over to her, and said "DO you want to be partners?!" although it wasn't that loud, and the class didn't hear, It sure did startle her. She looked at me for a sec, and mumbled, "okay..." she turned out to be good at math, but I wasn't... (lol)

Since then, we were buds for everrrrrrr. So, as time went on, me and R got to know each other. I was still friends with F and H, but we hardly hang out, because they had a different lunch and recess period... anyway, Me and R got to know each other. during the summer, before 4th grade started, F had to move away, and H was by herself most of the time. In the 4th or 5th grade, (I don't remember...) R and I, went to each other's houses, had birthday parties for just the two of us, and all that good stuff. -And I found out, I was the ONLY literally THE ONLY friend she had, and her first. and it was the first time, she ever had a friend come over. Same goes for me too. -

In 6th grade, we had our first friend fight. (No, not physically...) The grudge lasted till the first few weeks of 7th grade. At that time, she made a new friend, (and I got to hang out with H more...) an 8th grader (Lets call her B... FOR B**ch!) B convinced R to tell the teacher I was bothering her, by giving her a mean glare... clearly, I didn't... So, the teacher said, to stop doing that, and leave her alone. But soon, later in the year, we became friends again! (yayyyy) so, we were all friends, R, H, B and I. Eating lunch together, hanging out at recess and such.

B would usually eat my chicken tenders and tator tots without asking, and I would end up eating only one piece of chicken tender. But hey, We were friends! It doesn't matter! (Or so I thought) But then, we found out that B was lying to us, giving false rumors to the 7th and 8th graders. One of those rumors in particular, was that Me, and R were lesbian, since we were always together. and during lunch one time, a random 8th grader walked up to us, and asked if we were lesbian! And when we found out it was B who spread those rumors, we stop being her friend. So it was just H, R and me... While the three of us were together, B was watching us from a far, glaring, and hating us... at one point, she threatened to fail 8th grade on purpose just so she could hurt us next year!

(This is part 1) I've mad it too long, I'll end it here...
October 31st, 2013 at 05:24am