Because of my mistakes... (Part 2)

When we found out that B had threatened us, we told the vice principle... She, and R's mom, who was the overprotective kind of mother who cared for her daughter's safety, and complained to the Vice principle, finally got to a conclusion. If B were to fail on purpose, then B would have to repeat 8th grade again somewhere else. NOT in the same school as we were...

But, B didn't fail. So, she went to high school in a farther location of the city. We were finally in the 8th grade! more dances, more fun clubs, and applying for high school and stuff! Me and R didn't get to go in to the high school we wanted, but we went to a different high school for students who didnt make it to the better ones. H, got into her dream high school. It was just R and me again. Freshmen year was pretty good! But the only classes we had together, was Algebra. Things went pretty well, I even started anime club again, since it was shut down 2 years before. But, on the first weeks of sophomore year, guess who came crawling into the school...?

It was B! she transfered to our high school! Of course, R didn't want anything to do with her. Me other hand, being the sympathetic idiot i was, wanted to give her a second chance. (You know, like let bygones be bygones) Boy, was I stupid to do that. R saw me walking down the halls with B. she pulled me over to the side, and said, "What are you doing?! B can't be trusted!" I told her, "Well, I wanted to give her a second chance...everyone deserves a second chance" She was angry with me, and said, " what you want, I won't be a part of it..." you must think its child ish of her right..? well, not really, R just doesnt want to deal with things that hurt her in the past. And believe me when I say, B was the "hurt" to her past. (I don't want to tell other things B has done,)

Since then, I haven't heard from R since...
Later the following few months, things were pretty good... Anime club had more members, and B joined too. R liked anime, but she never went because B was now in it...
anyway, B began to lie again! she said all kinds of bullshit that made no sense! and she made a big deal out of her bf breaking up with her for days! she made lies that were obviously not true. like, when she said she got raped by her cousin... you don't go around shouting that bullshit to people! and she said her dad went to prison, or when she said her dad had cancer... now that, that was something I disliked her for... because one of my anime club buddies dad died of cancer the year before I was a freshman. and so did mine!

That girl used the "my dad had cancer" excuse to get attention! and that made the both of us angry. one day, that anime club buddy walked up to B, and asked, "Why are you lying? stop spreading false rumors about your father!" and did you know what that bitch said...? that bitch said, "well at least my father is still alive!" my buddy was going to pummel her, if it weren't for a teacher and a student who passed by to hold her back. We kicked her out of anime club because she brought in meaning less personal feelings into anime club.. our personal feelings are not to be brought in the club, unless it did involve, which it did not...

So to make this long story short, Only one person I knew were still friends with her. but the situation was neutral, so it was fine. but other than that, she was out of our lives. Then came Junior, here I am now, my grades are fine, and things were going well. Life couldn't have been more better... I guess...

And how are these my mistakes...?

Because of it, I lost all contact with my best friend, and I haven't seen her since. From time to time, I stay up at night, and think what she would say to me if I met her again...

"I told you so..."

That wasn't my only mistake. My other mistake was resurrecting anime club again...

But that story would be told another time...

I wrote this just to get this off my chest...
I've been wanting to do that for a very long time now...
Honestly, I feel a lot better...
October 31st, 2013 at 06:04am