I'm getting tired of it...

Remember I said I have the meanest friends...?

Yes they are mean... But honestly, they mean well, I guess...

They are ignorant people, but I really don't think they know that...
Today, when I tried to say something, they didn't even hear me. And I legit, sit in front of them, but they STILL couldn't hear me!! Not unless I call their name more than once. They keep talking amongst themselves. Then I just said to myself, "Fuck it..." I left the lunch table without saying a word. They didn't say anything to me, like they didn't care or that I didn't exist.

Why do yo think I'm still with them...?
I don't know why...
But I think the reason behind it, is that I don't want to be alone. Completely alone...

My other close friend, I only have 1 class with her, and I have lunch with her too...e.e
Me and her don't get to hangout much...

I'm getting really sick of this...e.e

I wish I hadn't started anime club. Because then, I wouldn't have met them, and me and my other friends, could have still been friends, and I could have been with myself, and not care about others...

Starting next week, when I go back to school, I'm not going to be apart of their little group anymore...

(I don't have school tomorrow so I have to wait next week...)

I wish I died. I wish I was never born...
I wish I was born an animal...
Because animals don't have to deal with all this crap as a human...>.>
November 1st, 2013 at 03:29am