Scribophile and Other Writing Sites

Hey yall. So I was on the NaNoWriMo forums and found a post that advertised Scribophile which is a NaNoWriMo sponsor this year. It's a writing site like mibba but I feel it's intrinsically different in a few ways, especially being that when you first join, you apparently cant even post your work yet. The site seems a lot more professional and well, the writing contests have cash prizes which makes me incredibly nervous because, all though every contest I've ever entered on mibba, I've received first place on, I feel like if money is involved, it's going to be a lot more cut throat. But I like how the system works in a sense, having to critique to be able to post (thus ensuring that people have to critique other peoples work and also that your stories never get the bland "this is great, update soon!") but I like the easy atmosphere of mibba.

So I was just wondering if any one had any experience with Scribophile and what advice they could give me. I'm pretty sure I'll sign up because hey, even if I can't post my stories, I'll be able to work on my critiquing, but I was just wondering if there was anything I should be prepared for as far as differences between scribophile and mibba.

I signed up for Figment a while back, another writing site, but I just haven't found the connection to it that I found for mibba. You don't get to do layouts for your stories and the layout of the site just... doesn't appeal to me the same way mibba does. But it has a lot more original fiction so I thought I could expose my work more there, though I still haven't uploaded anything yet...

So yep, mibba is the only place that has been exposed to my stories. Except for my high school english teachers, literally no one else has seen what I write. Is that weird? Hehe. What about yall, though. Do you post your stuff on other sites? I'm thinking of changing that with signing up to Scribophile and finally getting my stuff on Figment but I dunno... Mibba is so safe. It's been my writing site for seven years (holy shit) and I just... yeah. Mibba is home. But yeah, what's yall's experience with other writing sites (particularly Scribophile if anybody is on it)?
November 2nd, 2013 at 12:15pm