Pokemon Y Adventures xx My Son is Seven Months Old Today

I guess I'll start with the longest of my two-part blog, maybe, I don't know. I've done a far bit of the game now, and I've made some adjustments to my team per Airi's tips she's given me. I have to train my Surpluff before I give the Victory Road a shot because if memory serves me well, and it probably doesn't because I've never played a Pokemon game through to the Elite Four, I can't go back once I get through Victory Road.

I haven't been able to play it the last few days so I'm still pretty much where I was a while go, but I'm hoping to get through the Elite Four by next weekend, if I don't I'm not too bothered I know I'll get there eventually. I heard rumors that the Champion is supposed to be obvious, I'm not sure if he/she is that obvious but if it's following the trend, it has to be our "rival/neighbour", so I've read. I'm hoping it is someone we've never met before, but that would be absurd...wouldn't it?

I've been going to a lot of Boutiques every day, I'm not sure how I still have money on me but I must have trainers I haven't battled upon going through the game because I'm still buying all the clothes. I just walk out of there with everything on not even caring if they match, and then I go to the next boutique and do the same thing. I absolutely love the blue fur coat in Snowbelle Town (I might have that name wrong but it's Wulfric's Gym town. I've seen some of the male's clothing, and I love the bags they have, that's more the style of bags I like wearing, not saying I don't use handbags but I am saying they are a bit racist... Maybe...

My team as of this moment is:
Lucario @ level 60
Aura Sphere
Powerr-Up Punch
Bone Rush
Dragon Rush
(Equipped with Lucarionite)

Slurpuff @ level 30
Fairy Wind
Sweet Scent
(Equipped with N/A)

Chesnaught @ level 61
Wood Hammer
Take Down
Hammer Arm
Cut [Don't ask why he has Cut, it was a mistake -.-;]
(Equipped with Miracle Seed)

Delphox @ level 65
Fire Blast
(Equipped with Flame Plate)

Pikachu @ level 55
(Equipped with N/A)

Hawlucha @ level 54
High Jump Kick
Flying Press
(Equipped with N/A)

Hawlucha is only so high because I keep forgetting to switch him out after I fly somewhere I need to be. I do think it is an adorable Pokemon too, it's so unique and quirky-looking. My Pokemon probably have all the wrong moves but I only switch in some of the stronger moves instead of the weaker moves. That's all for the Pokemon stuff...

I think for now, I'm going to use this as an update for all of my LO's information and important milestones, maybe even all the little milestones... I'm not too sure yet. Anyway he was born back in April 3, he was a very complicated pregnancy and I had to keep going back to the hospital because first I was anemic, and then my livers weren't functioning properly, and I was underweight because I wasn't hungry for anything. I'm not sure why I was even anemic in the first place because I had the hugest craving for meat after the non-existent hunger went away....

A lot of people were shocked to find out I was even pregnant and it wasn't because I was young but I wasn't really showing... and it was even worse from behind because my back looked like skin and bones. My mum even took a picture for me to see for myself and I had to agree, you could see the curves and ridges of my spine, and my hourglass figure was more obvious than my belly.

It all worked out in the end, he was born, depending on how you see it since I had to EDD, April 4 and April 6, I was in labour for 18 1/2 hours, I think, from what my sister tells me. It all started with my cat, the very night I woke up knowing that something was going to happen (@ 3:00am) and I just ran into my mum's room waking her up in the process because my stomach was feeling like period cramps, and since I woke her up my mum went to work thinking if it was going to happen today she would be able to get some work in. It wasn't until three hours later (@ 6:00am) that my water broke while I was in the toilet of all places. I finished up and cleaned as well possible, including the floor, I called up my mum, my sister, my ex-boyfriend - who is the father of the baby - and I waited for my mum to come home so we could go to the hospital.

Anyways, my contractions were the same painful of all pains throughout the whole thing... Trust me there was nothing going on that day I learned in a class I went to, I didn't have the 5 minute intervals of pain, 10 minute intervals of pain, etc... It was painful throughout. Despite all of what happened, the birthing was actually really special because as he (confirmed, by the point) was coming out head, arms and torso, they turned him over and the next thing I see through half-closed eyes is these two little arms reaching out to me and I just reached forward and pulled him the rest of the way out. Everyone in that room just cried-laughed as they saw that experience, even my midwife who was with me.

Harrison was born at 7:41pm that same day I had contractions. It was exhausting and I was unable to walk and I had to have a shower after giving birth, you know all the gross stuff that I'm not telling you about, to spare you. So, the first night of hospital was amazing, he slept the whole night away without a fuss but then things didn't go so well... He wouldn't breastfeed and I was adamant to get him to feed naturally. I didn't have anything against bottle-feeding since he now has to be bottle-fed since he found too much comfort sitting against my skin, falling asleep rather than feeding.

Now, at seven months old, he's pretty much on par for his milestones, he's sitting, crawling (scooting) around, he's even able to bring himself up into a sitting position. It took about 2 months for him to get feeding down but I'm not worried entirely since I've read he doesn't need to eat solids until 9-12 months but it's always a good thing for babies to get a taste of food before then. He loves blowing raspberries himself, rolling over and crawling all over the lounge (living) room.

That's it for now... :3
See ya~
November 3rd, 2013 at 02:01am