Hero. c:

Hi, I'm Chloe and yeah... I hope you like my Fanfiction and yeah. 'Oh,Calamity!'
I'm in love with All Time Low. >_> BVB, FVK, blink-182, Green Day, Asking Alexandria STUFF LIKE THAT.
I'm rubbish at punctuation and spelling. .__.
And yeah... You might be expecting some real blogs soon. :B
JALEX FTW. I love you all and hopefully you check out my Fanfiction.. /-\ that is if you want.
I also have 1 dog (Jack Russell) called Alfie. ^~^ 2 Cats (Ginger Tabby) called Rascal.. Even though I want to call it Ashby cause he looks like Alan Ashby. (Turkish Van) called Tinky or Tinks, I have a bird called Fredrickk, how awesome is that. ^~^ and a Hamster called Hannah.
*Hugs* Thanks if you are reading.
November 3rd, 2013 at 10:10pm