Noms November!!

Is it lame to write just NOMS instead of NOMINATION? Idk- when I write NOMINATION November it feels all official and professional-like. We're not electing a new president. NOMS November is cutesy and reminds me that I have a candy bar waiting for me. What do you think? NOMS November it is.
As maybe you gathered from the context clues it's now officially NOMS November. Which means NOMINATE the hell out of all your favorite online fiction. Hit that button on the top of the page boxed in pink title 'NOMINATE' until your finger is blisters. If you're one of those kids who has a phobia of pink boxed buttons all ya gotta do is drop a link in the chatroom or shoot us an email at (also get some help- pink's not that scary).

But wait there's more! You wont be doing this just for a sense of accomplishment and pride-- you'll be doing it for cute little banners made by our lovely Coco. That's right my cohorts. You NOMINATE a story/poem/one-shot and you'll get a cute little banner so fast you'll have to fix your hair (Get it? 'Cause the speed of the NOMS banner coming to you would stir up some wind and would mess up your hair. Good one, right?).

So let's review. You NOMINATE your get a banner. Which let's face it-- isn't as awesome as winning a iPhone or candy bar but we are not made of money or actually even have any. But we've got heart, damn it. And as every Disney movie has ever taught me-- that's all we need. We've got heart, banners, and a conveniently placed NOMINATE button.

NOMINATE. Get a banner.

NOMINATE. Get banner.


PF Gals
November 5th, 2013 at 09:21am