How's NaNoWriMo going for you?

Are you panicking?

I panicked. I still am, but I feel a little more confident now. For real—you should have seen me on Halloween when I slept at my friend’s house and we made a night out of NaNo preparation (well, she isn’t participating, but she plotted with me.) I lost it so much I had an asthma attack and nearly offed myself over the very thought of starting my novel.

I’m sure you’re not as big a goof as I am, but if you are, that’s okay too. It’s fine.

Because regardless of all the foolish panicking I did, I still wrote 1,800 words from midnight to three a.m. on November 1st. That’s pretty good for a kid who spent all night wigging out. I plowed through my anxiety and proved to myself it’s possible.

So far I have just over 12,000 words, making me a couple of days ahead of schedule. It’s pretty great but I refuse to lose steam now. I know it’s just that week one high and soon enough the glamour will wear off, right about when we enter week two.

How are you guys doing? I hope you’re having fun and enjoying the experience. I talk about my own over on twitter if you’re interested in having a chat!

Also, about my novel. It’s actually fanfiction, or rather I’m sticking Harry Styles’ face on my male main character. I have reservations about posting it because it hits pretty close to home, it’s a (very) rough first draft, it’s totally cliché, I’m trying a new style of writing… I could seriously go on and on hahaha. I have never been so insecure about any piece of writing ever. Tell me someone else has felt this way about their writing!

It’s also my first time venturing outside of my usual fandoms.

Eh, we’ll see.
November 5th, 2013 at 11:30pm