Age Has Nothing to do With the Validity of Opinoins

Since everyone in the comments is saying that age means how much you've experience, let me say this:

Age correlates with experience and maturity, it doesn't cause it. Correlation doesn't provide causation. Everyone of all ages have had a different number of experiences.

I am fourteen and I am strongly opinionated. If you give me a topic to talk about, chances are I will dive in and dissect that piece of shit to bits and tell you exactly how I feel in a very blantant and blunt way. But, oh wait, somehow my age affects my ability to do so--or affects how valid my opinion on that subject is?

No. Fucking, no.

I don't care how old you are, if you are able to provide evidence, solid facts, and logic to back up your opinion, then that opinion is valid. Age has nothing to do with it, and I am superfuckingtired of being told, "Oh you're too young to know," or "I just knew you were a kid."


I understand that I don't have the most widely-accepted opinions in the world, but I use logic and understanding and everything to back it up. When I state my opinion, I state everything I feel. I don't sugar-coat it or try to imply another piece of my opinion in there, I lay out everything on the table. But somehow, my age interferes with my ability to do that? Nope, fucking no. My best friend is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met and she's younger than me. When she debates, she can tear you to fucking shreds.

My opinions are very debatable and I probably anger a shit ton of people when I share them. I even anger my friend because we don't agree on a lot of stuff.

But, what I'm trying to say is, that AGE HAS NO AFFECT ON THE VALIDITY OF OPINIONS.

Now, repeat after me:





Say it three more times. Got it in your head? Good.
November 6th, 2013 at 02:34am