Burned Like Fire

10 months ago I should of put you in the friend zone & left you there.
I could've listened to my brain instead of my heart.
We would've been happier & not particularly awkward.
But I didn't.
You brought me my highs and lows.
Sometimes a few firsts.
Gave me a bunch of memories.
Some, I'll hold forever.
You taught me alot.
Some good, some bad.
So when another you came along.
I wouldn't make the same mistake.
But then again, I made the same mistake with you.

The thing is, I was warned.
Way before it started & all the way through.
I blocked it all out, cause nothing mattered to me but you.
See, when the situation hit too close to home, I said to myself
There's no going back. I wouldn't make the same mistake.
But then again, I made the same mistake with you.

Truth is you've got game. & I was no-where near on your level.
I was hanging off your every word.
but when you low-key taught me how to play,
there was nothing like it.
You brought me to a level, I was addicted.
& damn did it feel good.
I said to myself, I'm not gonna get played like that,
I wouldn't make the same mistake.
& finally, I didn't make the same mistake with you.

But because I learnt this way I'm flawed.
I always think the next guy is going to be a you.
I hold him at arms length, not close enough to hold me.
Not close enough to hurt me.
Not close enough to get to know me.
Like you got to know me.
I'm not gonna get played like that.
I won't make the same mistake.
& hopefully,he won't be another you.
November 6th, 2013 at 10:20am